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  • cgc0202 Friend

    To Joomlart and anybody who knows PHP scripting:


    I isolated a part of a php script, more specifically, the pagebreak.php (see below for full script). This script specifies the page in a multipage article.

    I would like to add the script of the “Page counter” as the last row of a Table in a PHP script

    [PHP]// page counter
    $row->text .= ‘<div class=”pagenavcounter”>’;
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();

    $row->text .= ‘</div>’;

    I am not sure if the script just above is part:of the the page counter statement

    [PHP]// traditional mos page navigation
    $pageNav = new JPagination( $n, $page, 1 );

    // page counter
    $row->text .= ‘<div class=”pagenavcounter”>’;
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();

    $row->text .= ‘</div>’;[/PHP]

    I tried to copy and modify one of the rows of the table (see below), and attempted to replace the content of the row with the PageNavCounter script. I must be misssing something or added more than needed. I get an error. Can someone please take a crack?

    Here’s the complete script of the Article TOC:

    function plgContentCreateTOC( &$row, &$matches, &$page )

    $heading = $row->title;

    // TOC Header
    $row->toc = ‘
    <table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ class=”contenttoc”>
    . JText::_( ‘Article Index’ ) .

    // TOC First Page link
    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. JRoute::_( ‘&showall=&limitstart=’) .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . $heading .

    $i = 2;

    foreach ( $matches as $bot )
    $link = JRoute::_( ‘&showall=&limitstart=’. ($i-1) );

    if ( @$bot[0] )
    $attrs2 = JUtility::parseAttributes($bot[0]);

    if ( @$attrs2[‘alt’] )
    $title = stripslashes( $attrs2[‘alt’] );
    elseif ( @$attrs2[‘title’] )
    $title = stripslashes( $attrs2[‘title’] );
    $title = JText::sprintf( ‘Page #’, $i );
    $title = JText::sprintf( ‘Page #’, $i );

    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. $link .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . $title .

    // Get Plugin info
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin(‘content’, ‘pagebreak’);

    $params = new JParameter( $plugin->params );

    if ($params->get(‘showall’) )
    $link = JRoute::_( ‘&showall=1&limitstart=’);
    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. $link .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . JText::_( ‘All Pages’ ) .
    $row->toc .= ‘</table>’;

    Any help would be appreciated.



    And here’s the pagebreak entire script :
    * @version $Id: pagebreak.php 10906 2008-09-05 07:27:34Z willebil $
    * @package Joomla
    * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 – 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
    * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
    * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
    * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
    * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
    * other free or open source software licenses.
    * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

    // no direct access
    defined( ‘_JEXEC’ ) or die( ‘Restricted access’ );

    $mainframe->registerEvent( ‘onPrepareContent’, ‘plgContentPagebreak’ );

    * Page break plugin
    * <b>Usage:</b>
    * <code><hr class=”system-pagebreak” /></code>
    * <code><hr class=”system-pagebreak” title=”The page title” /></code>
    * or
    * <code><hr class=”system-pagebreak” alt=”The first page” /></code>
    * or
    * <code><hr class=”system-pagebreak” title=”The page title” alt=”The first page” /></code>
    * or
    * <code><hr class=”system-pagebreak” alt=”The first page” title=”The page title” /></code>
    function plgContentPagebreak( &$row, &$params, $page=0 )
    // expression to search for
    $regex = ‘#<hr([^>]*?)class=(“|’)system-pagebreak(“|’)([^>]*?)/*>#iU’;

    // Get Plugin info
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin(‘content’, ‘pagebreak’);
    $pluginParams = new JParameter( $plugin->params );

    $print = JRequest::getBool(‘print’);
    $showall = JRequest::getBool(‘showall’);

    if (!$pluginParams->get(‘enabled’, 1)) {
    $print = true;

    if ($print) {
    $row->text = preg_replace( $regex, ‘<br />’, $row->text );
    return true;

    //simple performance check to determine whether bot should process further
    if ( strpos( $row->text, ‘class=”system-pagebreak’ ) === false && strpos( $row->text, ‘class=’system-pagebreak’ ) === false ) {
    return true;

    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $view = JRequest::getCmd(‘view’);

    if(!$page) {
    $page = 0;

    // check whether plugin has been unpublished
    if (!JPluginHelper::isEnabled(‘content’, ‘pagebreak’) || $params->get( ‘intro_only’ )|| $params->get( ‘popup’ ) || $view != ‘article’) {
    $row->text = preg_replace( $regex, ”, $row->text );

    // find all instances of plugin and put in $matches
    $matches = array();
    preg_match_all( $regex, $row->text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );

    if (($showall && $pluginParams->get(‘showall’, 1) ))
    $hasToc = $pluginParams->get( ‘multipage_toc’, 1 );
    if ( $hasToc ) {
    // display TOC
    $page = 1;
    plgContentCreateTOC( $row, $matches, $page );
    } else {
    $row->toc = ”;
    $row->text = preg_replace( $regex, ‘<BR/>’, $row->text );
    return true;

    // split the text around the plugin
    $text = preg_split( $regex, $row->text );

    // count the number of pages
    $n = count( $text );

    // we have found at least one plugin, therefore at least 2 pages
    if ($n > 1)
    // Get plugin parameters
    $pluginParams = new JParameter( $plugin->params );
    $title = $pluginParams->get( ‘title’, 1 );
    $hasToc = $pluginParams->get( ‘multipage_toc’, 1 );

    // adds heading or title to <site> Title
    if ( $title )
    if ( $page ) {
    $page_text = $page + 1;
    if ( $page && @$matches[$page-1][2] )
    $attrs = JUtility::parseAttributes($matches[$page-1][1]);

    if ( @$attrs[‘title’] ) {
    $row->page_title = $attrs[‘title’];

    // reset the text, we already hold it in the $text array
    $row->text = ”;

    // display TOC
    if ( $hasToc ) {
    plgContentCreateTOC( $row, $matches, $page );
    } else {
    $row->toc = ”;
    // page counter
    // removed here
    // traditional mos page navigation
    $pageNav = new JPagination( $n, $page, 1 );

    // page counter
    $row->text .= ‘<div class=”pagenavcounter”>’;
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();

    $row->text .= ‘</div>’;

    // page text
    $text[$page] = str_replace(“<hr id=””system-readmore”” />”, “”, $text[$page]);
    $row->text .= $text[$page];

    $row->text .= ‘<br />’;
    $row->text .= ‘<div class=”pagenavbar”>’;

    // adds navigation between pages to bottom of text
    if ( $hasToc ) {
    plgContentCreateNavigation( $row, $page, $n );

    // page links shown at bottom of page if TOC disabled
    if (!$hasToc) {
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesLinks();

    $row->text .= ‘</div><br />’;

    return true;

    function plgContentCreateTOC( &$row, &$matches, &$page )

    $heading = $row->title;

    // TOC Header
    $row->toc = ‘
    <table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ class=”contenttoc”>
    . JText::_( ‘Article Index’ ) .

    // TOC First Page link
    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. JRoute::_( ‘&showall=&limitstart=’) .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . $heading .

    $i = 2;

    foreach ( $matches as $bot )
    $link = JRoute::_( ‘&showall=&limitstart=’. ($i-1) );

    if ( @$bot[0] )
    $attrs2 = JUtility::parseAttributes($bot[0]);

    if ( @$attrs2[‘alt’] )
    $title = stripslashes( $attrs2[‘alt’] );
    elseif ( @$attrs2[‘title’] )
    $title = stripslashes( $attrs2[‘title’] );
    $title = JText::sprintf( ‘Page #’, $i );
    $title = JText::sprintf( ‘Page #’, $i );

    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. $link .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . $title .

    // Get Plugin info
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin(‘content’, ‘pagebreak’);

    $params = new JParameter( $plugin->params );

    if ($params->get(‘showall’) )
    $link = JRoute::_( ‘&showall=1&limitstart=’);
    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. $link .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . JText::_( ‘All Pages’ ) .
    $row->toc .= ‘</table>’;

    function plgContentCreateNavigation( &$row, $page, $n )
    $pnSpace = “”;
    if (JText::_( ‘&lt’ ) || JText::_( ‘&gt’ )) $pnSpace = ” “;

    if ( $page < $n-1 )
    $page_next = $page + 1;

    $link_next = JRoute::_( ‘&limitstart=’. ( $page_next ) );
    // Next >>
    $next = ‘<a href=”‘. $link_next .'”>’ . JText::_( ‘Next’ ) . $pnSpace . JText::_( ‘&gt’ ) . JText::_( ‘&gt’ ) .'</a>’;
    $next = JText::_( ‘Next’ );

    if ( $page > 0 )
    $page_prev = $page – 1 == 0 ? “” : $page – 1;

    $link_prev = JRoute::_( ‘&limitstart=’. ( $page_prev) );
    // << Prev
    $prev = ‘<a href=”‘. $link_prev .'”>’. JText::_( ‘&lt’ ) . JText::_( ‘&lt’ ) . $pnSpace . JText::_( ‘Prev’ ) .'</a>’;
    $prev = JText::_( ‘Prev’ );

    $row->text .= ‘<div>’ . $prev . ‘ – ‘ . $next .'</div>’;

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    <em>@cgc0202 120695 wrote:</em><blockquote> I get an error. Can someone please take a crack?</blockquote>

    What was the error you received?

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@jbrett 120696 wrote:</em><blockquote>What was the error you received?</blockquote>

    Thanks for responding jbrett,

    The page disappers and I get a variation of this error message:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in /home/cgc/public_html/plugins/content/pagebreak.php on line 254

    depending on what I place inside, something like this:

    [PHP]// PageNavCounter
    $row->toc .=
    what to place here?

    From my previous attempts in the past inserting stuff in a PHP file, the error message above is more a “syntax error” when I attempt to insert something into a conditional script statement:

    // PageNavCounter
    $row->toc .=
    what to place here?

    $row->toc .= ‘</table>’;

    I was trying to add inside the row, what is needed from these statements that define the PaveNavCounter:

    // traditional mos page navigation
    $pageNav = new JPagination( $n, $page, 1 );

    // page counter
    $row->text .= ‘<div class=”pagenavcounter”>’;
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();

    $row->text .= ‘</div>’;[/PHP]

    Here’s the script of the actual end of the Table

    // Get Plugin info
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin(‘content’, ‘pagebreak’);

    $params = new JParameter( $plugin->params );

    if ($params->get(‘showall’) )
    $link = JRoute::_( ‘&showall=1&limitstart=’);
    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. $link .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . JText::_( ‘All Pages’ ) .
    $row->toc .= ‘</table>’;

    were I want to insert the script. The script involved and complete table are shown in my previous post. The actual file is the pagebreak.php


    It inserts the Article Page Number and Article TOC, in a multipage article.

    If you can test it in your site, i would appreciate it.



    cgc0202 Friend

    By the way, it does not have to be placed at the end of the table.

    Here is a Demo:


    In the attempt above, I just changed the pagenavcounter in the CSS so that it will align right. However, as shown in the example, since the table also is aligned right, they appear side-by-side. This will take more space when the titles of the sub-pages are full length — 30% of the page width.

    The possibilities of placement could either be above the table, or below the table, but if you align the “page 1of x” to the right it is more narrow than the width of the full length table.

    Thus, perhaps I thought the best place would be for the e “page 1of x” to be at the bottom of the Article TOC table, and aligned left, so that it will be aligned like the table title.


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Couple of checks and a suggestion…


    1. The error you mention is usually a result of a missing curly bracket. If all curlies are in place, then…
    2. remember php classes can only be within one <?php and ?> tag. A class cannot be distributed in multiple php tags. And finally…
    3. Can’t see in the snippets … so don’t know if you’re using Short Open tags in PHP. The full tag is <?php but you can also use just <? BUT you have to allow for the SHORT_OPEN_TAG in your php.ini. This is also another common reason for the syntax error.

    Now…perhaps I can suggest an easier way of doing what you want. Have you ever used JUMI. This is a powerful extension that allows you to insert php code on the fly into articles, modules, just about anything you can think of.

    Where I’m going with this is I’m wondering if you could just plop your code in JUMI and then place it where you want it and that would do the trick. I haven’t tried your specific hack…but it is another option to consider.

    Hope this provides some ideas. And good luck!

    Have fun.

    TomC Moderator

    i’m kind of interested to see the effect you’re trying to achieve. 🙂

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 120935 wrote:</em><blockquote>i’m kind of interested to see the effect you’re trying to achieve. :)</blockquote>

    The first demo attempt was shown here:


    Forget the images and the text, the image was intended as a demo for another question raised by someone here.

    Focus on the right aligned “Article ToC” and the “Page 1 of 3“. By a simple CSS modification, the pagenavcounter was moved to the right.

    I did not like the layout result. Aesthically, it is not nice, but more important, if you read my previous posts, the “side-by-side” layout will waste a lot of space on the right side — especially when you have a very very long Article TOC.

    The best is really at the top right, but it may require more scripting for proper alignment because the page width of the Article TOC is dynamic to a maximum fixed width. It can be done, if you know how to do scripting, something that i cannot do, right now.

    A palliative solution is to place the “Page 1 of 3” is placed within the table, and aligned left like the other lnks within the table.

    What complicates this is that the scripts for the “Article ToC” and the “Page 1 of 3” are found in a separate file (in fact, a separate plugin), in a separate directory altogether different from mahor directory of the article scripts itself (found yet still in another subdirectory).

    Go figure but one effect of this nested directories and separate directories that contain the files that are integrated contribute. to the sluggish upload of Joomla–Joomlart templates

    I do not know why a plugin is needed (used also in other files apart from the article file?), but the independent locations complicates the edit.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@jbrett 120890 wrote:</em><blockquote>Couple of checks and a suggestion…


    1. The error you mention is usually a result of a missing curly bracket. If all curlies are in place, then…
    2. remember php classes can only be within one <?php and ?> tag. A class cannot be distributed in multiple php tags. And finally…
    3. Can’t see in the snippets … so don’t know if you’re using Short Open tags in PHP. The full tag is <?php but you can also use just <? BUT you have to allow for the SHORT_OPEN_TAG in your php.ini. This is also another common reason for the syntax error.

    Now…perhaps I can suggest an easier way of doing what you want. Have you ever used JUMI. This is a powerful extension that allows you to insert php code on the fly into articles, modules, just about anything you can think of.

    Where I’m going with this is I’m wondering if you could just plop your code in JUMI and then place it where you want it and that would do the trick. I haven’t tried your specific hack…but it is another option to consider.

    Hope this provides some ideas. And good luck!

    Have fun.

    Thanks John,

    I agree with your observation, the cause of the “syntax error” may be quite simple. I plan to avoid using third party applications to deal with this to avoid issues about upgrading. I learned my lesson from a number of third party extensions I used before — both free and commercial. Another reason for my aversion with third party extensions, when there are conflicts, there is always finger pointing. Among those I tried, only a few ever bother to investigate compatibility issues.

    More important, if the error is a simple “syntax error”, as we both agree, the solution may be quite simple to a skilled programmer; trying to add another extension (the plugin is already an extension) will just add more complication or some compatibility issues with other extensions in the future.

    I can identify and move complete conditional or smple PHP statements, but inserting a php script in a conditional php statement, I found more difficult.

    As I noted in my response above, I identified that the pagenavcounter is related to this script:

    [PHP]// traditional mos page navigation
    $pageNav = new JPagination( $n, $page, 1 );

    // page counter
    $row->text .= ‘<div class=”pagenavcounter”>’;
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();

    $row->text .= ‘</div>’; [/PHP]

    If I delete the above, the pagenavcounter disappears, but it also disappears if I delete just this:

    [PHP] // page counter
    $row->text .= ‘<div class=”pagenavcounter”>’;
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();

    $row->text .= ‘</div>’; [/PHP]

    Apart from the pagenavcounter disappearing, deleting the above does not trigger any errror. And, the article layout remains essentially the same.

    To rephrase my question: How do you rewrite the above so that it will conform to the conditional statement of the script that defines the Table of Contents:

    function plgContentCreateTOC( &$row, &$matches, &$page )

    $heading = $row->title;

    // TOC Header
    $row->toc = ‘
    <table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ class=”contenttoc”>
    . JText::_( ‘Article Index’ ) .

    // TOC First Page link
    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. JRoute::_( ‘&showall=&limitstart=’) .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . $heading .

    $i = 2;

    foreach ( $matches as $bot )
    $link = JRoute::_( ‘&showall=&limitstart=’. ($i-1) );

    if ( @$bot[0] )
    $attrs2 = JUtility::parseAttributes($bot[0]);

    if ( @$attrs2[‘alt’] )
    $title = stripslashes( $attrs2[‘alt’] );
    elseif ( @$attrs2[‘title’] )
    $title = stripslashes( $attrs2[‘title’] );
    $title = JText::sprintf( ‘Page #’, $i );
    $title = JText::sprintf( ‘Page #’, $i );

    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. $link .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . $title .

    // Get Plugin info
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin(‘content’, ‘pagebreak’);

    $params = new JParameter( $plugin->params );

    if ($params->get(‘showall’) )
    $link = JRoute::_( ‘&showall=1&limitstart=’);
    $row->toc .= ‘
    <a href=”‘. $link .'” class=”toclink”>’
    . JText::_( ‘All Pages’ ) .
    $row->toc .= ‘</table>’;

    It may be added either at the top or bottom part of the TOC


    wooohanetworks Friend

    I would say the CMS Typo3 offers such Pagecounternavigation you look for. Maybe try to get familiar with Typo3. This is infact more something for people with higher requirements as Joomla can offer.

    Much success!

    Before you have ask for details about Typo3, here is the link —->

    No need to thank me for this link, I know the tip is brilliant!

    jwellman Friend

    Hi jbrett,
    I sent you a PM about this topic…did you get it? 🙂

    scotty Friend

    I would like to add the script of the “Page counter” as the last row of a Table in a PHP


    [php]<?php if (isset ($this->article->toc)) : ?>
    <?php echo $this->article->toc; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>[/php]

    Am I missing something? What are you trying to achieve Cornelio?

    A picture says a thousand words!

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@scotty 121655 wrote:</em><blockquote>[php]<?php if (isset ($this->article->toc)) : ?>
    <?php echo $this->article->toc; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>[/php]

    Am I missing something? What are you trying to achieve Cornelio?

    A picture says a thousand words!</blockquote>

    Thanks Scotty,

    The picture of my attempts, using a Sandbox is shown in post #4.

    Image Presentation : Possibilities

    Not very nice still — two right aligned table) getting stucked side by side. This placement right now of this messes up the Front end presentation of the articles, especially if I want to pace a large photo..

    I don’t have any graphics tools to present to you the concept. But, it could be something like this:

    Better than Sandbox page demo would be:

    Page 1 of n

    Article Index

    • Title Page 1
    • Title Page 2
    • etc.
    • Title Page n

    with both Page 1 of n and Article Index left aligned in a table that is right aligned, and the article titles slightly indented. This format may require two tables.

    That is more complex than simply placing the Page 1 of n at the bottom of the table of the Article index.

    Anyway, I am about to give up getting help here on this. I am getting tired also of the irrelevant responses. If they have nothing to add, wjy not just ignore the request? Joomla is too complex already. I have no interest of yet adding more extensions inside an extension, in this case.

    It is quite simple actually, for someone who knows PHP. I may just contact a PHP group in my country to solve this but I have to create the actual Demo page of the History site to interest them.

    This issue is not important for most websites. However, there are some very important Historical Books (55 volumes) about my country, and more that could be archive online (from US Library of Countries and big libraries here in other countries) not found back home.

    When we were occupied by Spain, they burned all our historical records. The older ones were written in bamboos, so most were destroyed from decay also. Since many of our “scholars” cannot afford to study abroad, they are missing a lot not having access to historical materials.

    Google actually has photocopied the books but the Google copies are not very good, and their work had the Google Copyright, not very searchable nor amenable to hyperlinking, like Wikipedia. The Project Gutenburg copies have their own problems. It is unlikely however that Google or the Project Gutenburg will ever get interested with some of the obscure historcal documents about our history i found at the Boston Public Liirary and the universities here

    I am interested to initiate the project and possibly more will get interested from my home country once the concept is more concrete. Some already showed interests when I showed images of the photos in the books. This will allow, if not original documents, a window to “original documents and images” that will be very useful for my native country.


    scotty Friend

    OK, so you want the TOC at the top right hand corner of the article with the Page 1/n over it? I think a simple template override and some CSS tweaks is all that is needed. I’ll have a look at this tonight.
    <blockquote>Page 1 of n

    Article Index

    • Title Page 1
    • Title Page 2
    • etc.
    • Title Page n


    scotty Friend

    Can get this without any PHP hacks.

    ..but is this what you are looking for?

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@scotty 121727 wrote:</em><blockquote>OK, so you want the TOC at the top right hand corner of the article with the Page 1/n over it? I think a simple template override and some CSS tweaks is all that is needed. I’ll have a look at this tonight.

    Thanks Scotty,

    Maybe you have better luck than I did.

    <em>@scotty 121759 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can get this without any PHP hacks.

    ..but is this what you are looking for?</blockquote>

    Indeed Scotty, that is what I am looking for. Do you have the CSS hacks?


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

This topic contains 26 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  cgc0202 15 years, 6 months ago.

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