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  • cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@wooohanetworks 121016 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would say the CMS Typo3 offers such Pagecounternavigation you look for. Maybe try to get familiar with Typo3. This is infact more something for people with higher requirements as Joomla can offer.

    Much success!

    Before you have ask for details about Typo3, here is the link —->

    No need to thank me for this link, I know the tip is brilliant!</blockquote>

    You never cease to amaze with your attempts to show your “brilliance”. Now you are even baiting for a Thank you? Boxing me perhaps that if I do not, I will look ungrateful?

    If you even read the original of this thread and actually familiar with Teline II itself, there is already a pagenavcounter plugin that Joomlart deemed fit to adopt for the Template.

    If I cannot even perform a much simpler task — such as writing a conditional PHP script (the topic of this request) — you are expecting me to learn (spend the time I do not know how long, and does not have the luxury to spare) to master yet another set of knowledge because your brilliant tip you believe is the answer?

    I am just like most people, but I was lucky enough and privileged to know people who then introduced me and allowed me to interact with many great people — Nobel prize winners (and future Nobel Prize winners), Members of the Academy of Sciences, and Academy of Engineering, and those who might not have received as much prestigious awards but among the most respected in their specific fields. Even the most direct among those I have known, one distinguishing character among them was that they do not hint of their brilliance. It is considered tacky in high places, and really only the uninformed (like myself sometimes) may not know how accomplished they are.

    Above all, the truly decent ones do not make you feel small or insecure. I remember talking accidentally to someone at an official gathering here in Boston. I have interacted with him briefly when I was doing an experiment in a laboratory. He was quite nice, and quiet person. I thought he was just one of those graduate students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (where he said he came from). He was looking at the aquarium exhibits like myself, perhaps bored with the “small talk” among the bigwigs — politicking is big in any field. We talk shop a bit, him responding to my inquiries. After almost like an hour, we were interrupted because the award ceremonies was about to begin. The Chairman of the conference ask for apologies for interrupting us. Well, it turned out, that not only was he the main speaker, he was the distinguished awardee for the occasion. It is quite rare to become a Member of the US Academy of Sciences, and the Academy of Engineering. He was introduced as one of the rare few who is both a member of both academies — more than 100 patents to his name, a number of them called primary patents. At the time, he had more than 500 publications, many in the most respected science and engineering journals. The highlights of his accomplishments were mentioned briefly in the introduction to the award but I learned about them more when I requested a material from his laboratory, and asked if he would consider to be one of my references for my research. His CV was thick as a book.

    There is a saying, the “river runs deep” when they talk about quiet rivers. He is one of those I have known who was like that. You should meet some of the Chinese and Japanese men of science — many of those I have met while i was a student and working were quite humble. Some were even apologetic that they could not speak well but if you actually know them you will be baffled by how accomplished they are.

    I mention this not to share with you who I know, but more to tell you I am not easily impressed. Now, if you are Nelson Mandela, who I have seen only from afar, in a public rally; you do not even have to tell me anything. I will not only be very impressed, you will also be my hero.

    In the meantime, be more like Scotty. He reads, and ask clarifications, and then he provides actual answers to the questions asked.

    If you cannot do this, would you please be so very kind not to interject your breath of knowledge into the responses, unless it is really relevant. I requested this of you already, but you persist.


    scotty Friend

    Line 248…

    table.contenttoc {
    margin: 20px 0 10px 10px;
    padding: 0;
    width: 25%;
    font-size: 92%;
    float: right;

    and line 437…

    .pagenavcounter {
    background:transparent url(../images/icon-pages.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 4px;
    padding:0 14px 0;

    There is one drawback though. As you can see the pagenavcounter is ‘position: relative’. This meant that the space it is supposed to be in is left empty. So you may notice that the first line of text of your article wraps slightly before it is supposed to. There may be a better way of doing it but can’t think of it right now.

    As you are aware, it is very difficult to control the pagecounter.

    Phill Moderator

    I nearly spat out me drink and ruined me keyboard there Cornelio (insert clapping/laughing emoticon)

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 121833 wrote:</em><blockquote>I nearly spat out me drink and ruined me keyboard there Cornelio (insert clapping/laughing emoticon)</blockquote>

    Well Phil,

    I kept silent for a few days. I thought we both agreed that we will ignore each other. He does not like my posts which is fine by me. But, I got fed up today with his tendency to put down people. He interjects his :”wisdom” everywhere, or as Scotty was more blunt to state, even if they are irrelevant.

    I tend to ignore people who tell you to “read calculus”, if you are at the stage where you are still grappling with your basic skills of addition, subtraction and the like. But, if they keeo annoying me like a mosquito, then…

    You should have read my novella response to ridicule this rather presumptuous proclamation:

    <em>@wooohanetworks 121296 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I have summed this up on Saturday for those feeling insecure with the update process:

    and to end it with pretentious civility, I had to return the favor, if you noticed the ending.

    I do not know whether to laugh or what. But, I was seething mad also. I was shaking and the blood arteries are about to burst while I try to summon Socrates, and Lewis Caroll and all those common adages — about knowledge, wisdom, and learning, and more of course that I would not print here.

    I planned initially to respond as such in another thread, but I usually calm down. I shelved those responses — to avoid stirring the pot.

    But, he is everywhere, not only responding irrelevancies to my posts, but in other posts — not really contributing to the enlightenment of others. Then, he gets lily-white sensitive when criticized, they he spews his venom.

    That was what I saw today. I was supposed to do something else but I had enough.

    I was quite lucky when I first came to the US the moment I arrived. Who would have expected that the Department Chairman himself would meet me at the airport in Baltimore, well past midnight. He must had waited patiently for hours because my intercontinental filght (from the Philippines) was delayed. No one would ever do that to a student back home (I mean they might send someone for a dignitary but not an average student). Even here in the US, the Department Chairman or Dean usually sends their staff to meet with their visitors, no matter how distinguished. And then for then for the Department Chairman to greet me with a simple: “Hi I am Bob.” that was something else. He even arranged for my hotel and paid for it (department funds, of course).

    Just like at home, I was blessed to know people who have been helpful and kind. And, I have known enough too who were abusive and loud.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@scotty 121831 wrote:</em><blockquote>Line 248…

    table.contenttoc {
    margin: 20px 0 10px 10px;
    padding: 0;
    width: 25%;
    font-size: 92%;
    float: right;

    and line 437…

    .pagenavcounter {
    background:transparent url(../images/icon-pages.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 4px;
    padding:0 14px 0;

    There is one drawback though. As you can see the pagenavcounter is ‘position: relative’. This meant that the space it is supposed to be in is left empty. So you may notice that the first line of text of your article wraps slightly before it is supposed to. There may be a better way of doing it but can’t think of it right now..</blockquote>

    Thanks Scotty,

    I was supposed to try this, but I am trying to calm my nerves right now, after my several responses in a number of threads, today. I get very emotional when I do not like something so I try to avoid confrontations or usually keep quiet. Not that I cower, I just think they are a waste of time.

    As you are aware, it is very difficult to control the pagecounter.</blockquote>

    Yes, I know. I did change the pagenavcounter, but not the table, and I am not used to negative values for CSS although I have encountered others using them. I wonder how changing the size

    I will get back to you.


    Phill Moderator

    <em>@cgc0202 121853 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well Phil,

    I do not know whether to laugh or what. But, I was seething mad also. I was shaking and the blood arteries are about to burst while I try to summon Socrates, and Lewis Caroll and all those common adages — about knowledge, wisdom, and learning, and more of course that I would not print here.

    I planned initially to respond as such in another thread, but I usually calm down. I shelved those responses — to avoid stirring the pot.


    It is never worth getting worked up by anything someone writes on a forum. It is easy to cower behind a keyboard.

    I responded politely once.

    I almost felt guilty about it but only for a nano second.

    Glad to see you are getting your problem sorted.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 121860 wrote:</em><blockquote>It is never worth getting worked up by anything someone writes on a forum. It is easy to cower behind a keyboard.

    I responded politely once.

    I almost felt guilty about it but only for a nano second.

    Glad to see you are getting your problem sorted.</blockquote>

    Hi phill luckhurst,

    Is the image there for real? Kids not fully understanding the meaning of what they say or do. But then again, we adults do the same, many times.

    Indeed, the solution of Scotty is one solution, but it breaks again when the text are made larger. It is still on top and to the right, as I wanted, so it should do for now. A more elegant solution would be a hack to the script itself, but editing “conditional scripts” do not like my attempts. So until I can get a better solution, Scottty’s revision is very much appreciated.

    The chord that charges the power to my very old (almost 6yo) notebook short-circuited last night as I was revising the thread I was supposed to send you regarding the Hot Topic issues — it went to sleep mode before I finished. I had to go to the Apple store to get it replaced. Right now, I am typing this with my even older iMac (almost or more than 10yo) but could not access my external drives where most of my files are.

    I hope I can resolve the computer problem before the weekend. I will get back to you then.


    scotty Friend

    cgc0202;122316Indeed, the solution of Scotty is one solution, but it breaks again when the text are made larger.

    You can adjust the CSS to suit larger text or let me know the size you want to use and I’ll adjust it to suit.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@scotty 122328 wrote:</em><blockquote>You can adjust the CSS to suit larger text or let me know the size you want to use and I’ll adjust it to suit.</blockquote>

    Thanks Scotty,

    Yes, last night I started to consider possibilities (see below) along the lines you suggested above. I finally got a chance to integrate your suggestion in one of the articles

    in the SandBox. site:

    I think strategy that I was mulling — based from the approach you suggested that worked (rather than hacking the script) — would be to have fixed width for both the tables for the pagenavcounter and the Articles Index. This may solve the problem but if the table is too wide, it will not look nice, if the actual Articles index titles are very short. You will have a gaping space on the right side. The default for the Artcles Index I believe is a more flexible table width — to prevent such a space on the right side.

    Alternatively, perhaps n evena better strategyif the layout will allow it, instead of a fixed width just wrap both tables of the pagenavcounter and the Articles Index with a common wrapper [See for example the right side of the header in SandBox. site:

    or even use a nested strategy, i.e., the pagenavcounter table wrapping the Articles Index table. Both would allow flexible widths, and thus avoid the gaping space on the right side.

    I wanted to test the above possibilities with the site I alluded to in my first response to you. But, when I was about to start, I smelled burnt plastic.. It turned out the power chord of my charger short-circuited (long years of being bent in the connection). I hope it did not fry my computer. I have to go to one of the Apple Stores here to replace the chord. I hope I can do this tomorrow or this weekend. Right now, I cannot access my old Notebook where all my files (apart from my external drives) are located. The green egg iMac (second generation) I am using right now, cannot even access this simple Forum properly, and it is so slow.


    scotty Friend

    Alternatively, perhaps n evena better strategyif the layout will allow it, instead of a fixed width just wrap both tables of the pagenavcounter and the Articles Index with a common wrapper

    A common wrapper would make this task very easy! Unfortunately it’s not easy to implement because of the way the pagenavcounter is called.

    In your default.php (html/article) override you can layout your page. Where the title goes, where the Author, Date, Email icons, etc go and even where the TOC goes. But you cannot control where the pagecounter goes.

    The pagenavcounter is actually a div placed inside the article itself. The actual line that calls it…

    // page counter
    $row->text .= '<div class="pagenavcounter">';
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();
    $row->text .= '</div>';

    I think this can be placed in the article override but it’s beyond my PHP abilities. Maybe someone else know how to do it?


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@scotty 122439 wrote:</em><blockquote>A common wrapper would make this task very easy! Unfortunately it’s not easy to implement because of the way the pagenavcounter is called.

    In your default.php (html/article) override you can layout your page. Where the title goes, where the Author, Date, Email icons, etc go and even where the TOC goes. But you cannot control where the pagecounter goes.

    The pagenavcounter is actually a div placed inside the article itself. The actual line that calls it…

    // page counter
    $row->text .= '<div class="pagenavcounter">';
    $row->text .= $pageNav->getPagesCounter();
    $row->text .= '</div>';

    I think this can be placed in the article override but it’s beyond my PHP abilities. Maybe someone else know how to do it?


    On the mark, Scotty,

    If it were a simple moving of blocks of complete conditional PHP statements, there is no problem. I have done quite a bit of those.

    But, as you observed also, the div for the pagecounter is there, but the script is elsewhere, another plugin as noted by JA Developer and Hainn, in another thread. This threw me off, and abandoned the CSS modification strategy that I usually do. I thought the only way to do it, with the script in the plugin, is through a hack of the plugin or both (default.php and plugin) — beyond my skills.

    It was good you stuck with the CSS modification strategy. For the most part, I will use your approach because most Articles indices are usually very short (3-4), the most I had was 7 pages. It is a different story for the history site, where sometimes they have 30 pages or longer.

    In any event, if no script hacking is imminent, I think I can always use the same fixed width for both. I can always shorten the long titles to avoid great disparities in the lengths of the titles. This is one way of minimizing the white space that I alluded to in the other response the other day.


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This topic contains 26 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  cgc0202 15 years, 6 months ago.

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