July 1, 2008 at 2:45 pm #130354
Hello all,
I started re-design my teline template content but I have problem with the “hot topcs” module : I changed its name and created a new directory related to a new category in order to upload new pictures in this section but It doesn’t work and I don’t know why ..
Can someone please explain me how to change images of this module, I would really appreciate it.
This is my web site url : lesmatieres.com
It’s in french website and the section name is now : “les filières” .
Thanks a lot !
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July 1, 2008 at 3:06 pm #257419Bonjour 0476
Je n’ai pas tout-a-fait compris!
Moi, je utilise le Teline II et Joomla 1.5.3. Voici un lien de notre site ‘demo’:
http://www.joomla.questbg.comS’il ya quelque chose sur mon site que vous souhaitez atteindre, alors je peux vous aider!
Et, je suis heureux de poursuivre ce sujet en français ou en anglais si vous voulez 🙂
Quelle version de Joomla utilisez-vous?
A plus tard
ChrisJuly 1, 2008 at 3:19 pm #257423Bonjour !
C’est en effet plus simple pour moi de poursuivre en français.
Ma question concerne en fait le module “showcase” sur votre site démo. Sur mon site, je l’ai appelé “les filières” et je souhaiterais comment integrer les images qui pourront ensuite apparaître sur le site.
Je sais que ce module – nommé “hot topics” quand j’ai télécharger le template, reprends les images d’une category précise mais je n’arrive pas à faire en sorte qu’ils apparaissent sur le site.
Pour faire plus simple, comment fait on pour changer faire apparaitre des images sur cette question ?
Enfin, j’utilise la version 1.5.3.
Encore merci pour votre réponse !
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July 1, 2008 at 3:28 pm #257425<em>@0476 63657 wrote:</em><blockquote>C’est en effet plus simple pour moi de poursuivre en français.
</blockquote>Pas de problème. J’espère que je peux vous aider un peut, mais, moi aussi, je suis encore un débutant (mais, je parle un peu de français) !
Est-ce que vous souhaitez inclure des images comme sur mon propre site?
Avez-vous installé le “Teline Quick Start” pour atteindre les’ demo ‘ site sur votre serveur?
Alors, A+!
July 1, 2008 at 3:34 pm #257427Vous parlez plutôt bien le français 😉
Oui, je souhaite inclure des images comme sur votre site et oui j’ai installé le “teline quick start” ..
Merci d’avance pour votre réponse !
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July 2, 2008 at 5:05 am #257486Bonjour Yasser
<em>@0476 63662 wrote:</em><blockquote>Vous parlez plutôt bien le français 😉
</blockquote>C’est tres gentil, Merci, mais c’est longuetemps depuis que j’ai parlé français … alors, j’espère que vous pardonnez les erreurs!
Dans moi un instant … je reviens avec le solution ‘Hot Topics’!!
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July 2, 2008 at 5:19 am #257489OK. Allons-y!
Premièrement, créez un graphique pour un “Hot Topic” – la largeur d’une ‘Hot Topic’ image est 152 pixels, et la hauteur est 200 pixels.
Suite, ‘LogIn’ comme ‘Admin’ et aller a “Media Manager”.
Placez votre “Hot Topic” image dans /Media/stories/demo/hot_news … comme:
Editer l’article ‘Le boom du 21 sičcle ..” et mettre la nouvel graphic avant le text “Peu de catégories de palcements…”
Et, voila!
Bon courage…
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July 2, 2008 at 10:37 am #257586<em>@questbg 63653 wrote:</em><blockquote>Bonjour 0476
Je n’ai pas tout-a-fait compris!
Moi, je utilise le Teline II et Joomla 1.5.3. Voici un lien de notre site ‘demo’:
http://www.joomla.questbg.comS’il ya quelque chose sur mon site que vous souhaitez atteindre, alors je peux vous aider!
Et, je suis heureux de poursuivre ce sujet en français ou en anglais si vous voulez 🙂
Quelle version de Joomla utilisez-vous?
A plus tard
Chris</blockquote>Hi Chris,
Is this with the Menalto corrections already?
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July 2, 2008 at 11:04 am #257588Hi Cornelio
No, in fact, this was nothing to do with ‘banners’ as such, this was the ‘left column’ with the 5 Hot Topics and the JA ‘grey’ window pop up on mouseover!
Hope my instructions have helped Yasser to make this work!
Oh… for a decent User Guide!
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July 2, 2008 at 11:06 am #257589Hi Cornelio
No, in fact, this was nothing to do with ‘banners’ as such, this was the ‘left column’ with the 5 Hot Topics and the JA ‘grey’ window pop up on mouseover!
Hope my instructions have helped Yasser to make this work!
Oh… for a decent User Guide!
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July 2, 2008 at 12:51 pm #257603<em>@questbg 63864 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio
No, in fact, this was nothing to do with ‘banners’ as such, this was the ‘left column’ with the 5 Hot Topics and the JA ‘grey’ window pop up on mouseover!
Hope my instructions have helped Yasser to make this work!
Oh… for a decent User Guide!</blockquote>
The power of numbersHi Chris,
I have thought of a very diabolical way around all these problems Chris. This is apart from the one we are discussing the past few days. I will share it with you in private. And, it is legitimate too based on the rules of templates companies.
Just imagine these numbers. You stated you spent 5 days on that one problem already
5 d x 8 (h/d) = 40h 40h x 20 (Euro/h) => 800 Euros
Think of just 10 users encountering similar issues? => 8,000 Euros
How about 100 users? => 80,000 Euros
Or 1000 users or more? => 800,000 Euros or more
and consider the whole month you have been spending for the template
Mostly, the amount of time we spent dealt with issues that could have been solved with a decent User Guide. Just imagine how much money we could have saved, individually and collectively,
The collective total cost is staggering!
And if not a matter of instructions, but truly a bug or something else, we could have hired technical support to do the job. It will be costly, if we do it individually. And, that is were a “collaborative support group” will come in. If it is not within our capability to solve the problem, why not seek someone to do it for us — as a group? Cheaper, per capita.
The bottom line — we as customers should hire our own technical support, prepare a User Guide on our own, and if need be, as a group we hire the best technicians to solve problems that is confronted by a “certain number of customers”. The technical support would be on consignment basis, i.e., based on jobs done — if a peson cannot do it, no pay. Or, it could be published as looking for reliable technicians. There will be a deadline, and whoever provides the best solution would bet the pot money.
For example, if Menalto or anyone else can do the fix, then he gets paid based on an agreed upon fee beforehand. If there are a number of alternatives, we choose the best, and each one would get a cut on how many members are using the solution provided. They have to guarantee their work, and must be willing to answer issues that arise. And, of course, the technicians must be part of the collaborative support group. That way we can monitor their job, and have sort of a quality evaluation. No wannabees, and anyone who does not do a good job will no longer be allowed to participate in anymore advertised job..
Since many of the problems that we are talking about here are usually common customer problems, we can get a job done more cheaply and more reliably, if we are a large enough collaborative support group . The larger the group the per captia cost if spread around would be less — so that issues, like the one you were discussing in another thread could be resolved as a “group cost”, if there are enough members wanting the same.
And, they do not have to be just problems, we should be thinking of ways to improve a template, like some of those I have been proposing here — but got zero response; even if several people wanted the same.
Obviously, the group cannot take all requests, as group expense, that are really custom jobs — like logo design. Although, we could bargain for group member rates too, for this custom jobs.
In this independent collaborative support group, we can still use Joomlart templates, but we do not have to be limited to their products.
And, we do not have to limit what we can do as a collaborative support group to issues about templates, or Joomla because our needs as website owners go beyond these.
As I stated over and over again, we can do so much more, if we understand the power of numbers. Only our imagination will limit us.
We can help each other, if we start doing so.
I am tired of waiting. I am tired of complaining.
I decided that I will start a website for such a collaborative support group — not just for customers but also those who can provide technical support. If you want to help create it, I invite you to do so. We need a few dedicated people to start it.
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July 2, 2008 at 1:01 pm #257606<em>@0476 63649 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello all,
I started re-design my teline template content but I have problem with the “hot topcs” module : I changed its name and created a new directory related to a new category in order to upload new pictures in this section but It doesn’t work and I don’t know why ..
Can someone please explain me how to change images of this module, I would really appreciate it.
This is my web site url : lesmatieres.com
It’s in french website and the section name is now : “les filières” .
Thanks a lot !</blockquote>
HolaYo resolvi el asunto de las imagenes en el Module Hot Topic de una forma sencilla. Me descargué una de las fotos de ejemplo para conocer sus dimensiones de “alto” y “ancho”. Luego corté varias imágenes con esas mismas dimensiones y las subi´al servidor colocandolo en la carpeta sobre las “historias”. Posteriormente, al crear la noticia, simplemente busquè la sección Noticias y la categorìa “Hot topic”, que estàn asociados. La foto se alojó automáticamente en el lugar de la plantilla que le corresponde.
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July 2, 2008 at 1:12 pm #257607Hi Cornelio
<em>@cgc0202 63880 wrote:</em><blockquote>
We can help each other, if we start doing so. I am tired of waiting. I am tired of complaining.
</blockquote>I totally agree. What we’ve started here, with decent user guides in three languages can benefit a great amount of people … the potential is enormous.
However, I’m with you, why should we do all this work when it should have already been done within my 70 dollars per year? A decent user guide is not too much to ask for that money, neither is a bit of online support.
Hola Cynthia!
<em>@cinthiapolanco 63884 wrote:</em><blockquote>
Abrazos</blockquote>And of course … Hugs to you too! :-*
1 user says Thank You to questbg for this useful post
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July 2, 2008 at 5:56 pm #257656<em>@questbg 63888 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio
I totally agree. What we’ve started here, with decent user guides in three languages can benefit a great amount of people … the potential is enormous.
Good Chris,
I will send you the Demo link when I can do more work tonight. I have to go deal with the mess about “the fraud”, still.
You may see it tomorrow. Please register (just like the previous one). It will be private, until there is enough content to show to people. In the meantime, if you could get the “Tutorials” that you already did in the Victor’s thread, and whatever Tutorials you have done. Then, we should have more contents, already…
I have more sketches of tutorials: A revised “Installation procedure for Joomla 1.0x. mostly post installation stuff and some Tips, etc. If you could try to follow them (grabbing images along the way), and if it works (edit English then French and maybe Ana can prepare Spanish), then to the next Tutorial, etc.
Q. How do you eat a whole elephant?
A. One bite at a time. Faster if you do it with others.Cornelio
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July 2, 2008 at 6:50 pm #257665Somebody said Ana?
This topic contains 16 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by cgc0202 16 years, 6 months ago.
We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum