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  • aptnodig Friend

    I am an absolute beginner and I used “search” to find out where I can change this.
    During development it is a very helpful feature but now I want to hilde the “edit article” button before the headlines. I have no plan where I can realize this.
    Many Thanks in advance and sorry for such a simple question

    Menalto Friend

    When you are logged in in the administrator part or in frontend as administrator you will see that link, but when you are logged out you should not see it, neither the members at your site that is regular users.

    aptnodig Friend

    Thank you for the fast response, I’m relieved to hear that.:-*

    questbg Friend

    Hi aptnodig

    Just to expand on Menalto’s correct reply…

    I’ve found it very useful to keep two tabs/windows open when creating articles.

    On one window, I am logged in as Admin which means I can see unpublished articles and edit them prior to ‘public publication’!

    In the other window/tab I am logged out, which will show you the site as other visitors will see it (no unpublished articles, no ‘edit’ buttons, etc.).

    Good luck

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  questbg 16 years, 4 months ago.

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