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  • carlosemuralles JATC

    Hi, I need to add a module position in the left of the default style or make a new style with this feature, please see the image:

    Please help.

    1. module
    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi carlosemuralles,

    Firstly, please change your Joomla Super User password ASAP. For more information, read this tip on password hardening.

    To your question. JA Fubix already contains left hand side column. To see your module in that left column, please assign it position “position-5”, as per our JA Fubix documentation.

    For some reasons in the sketch form your screenshot “position-5” is placed to the right, which is wrong, as you can see from our documentation.

    Hope this helps.



    carlosemuralles JATC

    Thanks for the suggestion for the password, but this is just a temporary user, so the staff can access to help me.

    About the position 5, its true that the HOME page contains it at the left, but is in the Default template style (content, articles, 3rd party components, etc.) where I need to add the position-7 or anything at the left.

    Please see the screenshot:


    1. modul
    alexsmirnov Friend

    Regardless of what module and on what page, if you want to place something on he left hand side, please assign it position-5. For things, that you want to place on the right hand side, you need to assign position-7. It’s that simple and works for the whole web-site.

    Although we don’t provide support for heavily customised templates, if you wish, you can style your modules with your own styles and it shouldn’t depend on where your module is positioned.

    Hope this helps,



    carlosemuralles JATC

    Thanks for your reply, but I think you have not understand me.

    In the demo of JA Fubix, the position 5 is at the left, see the image:

    But in the inner pages the Position 5 change of side, and there is no Position 7:

    Im using the “default content left” layout for the “not home” pages, and there is where I need a module position.


    1. Diapositiva1
    2. Diapositiva2
    alexsmirnov Friend

    <em>@carlosemuralles 420891 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    … Im using the “default content left” layout for the “not home” pages…


    Could you please post here a screenshot with your “default-content-left” layout?



    carlosemuralles JATC

    Here is the screenshots:

    1. Captura-de-pantalla-2014-04-10-08.30.35
    2. Captura-de-pantalla-2014-04-10-08.31.38
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Carlos,

    If you want to have default layout with: position-5 —– main body —- position-7 like the home layout. You can try to copy attached block file named ‘default_new.php‘ and copy to this path: templatesja_fubixtplsblocks

    Then open default layout file: templatesja_fubixtplsdefault.php, you change so that it loads the new block file: http://prntscr.com/38yj4t

    Hope this helps.


    1. default_new.zip
    carlosemuralles JATC


    Now I just need to move it 40px to the right, see here:

    How can I do it?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Do you mean this space? http://prntscr.com/39swz4

    The sidebar block has span2 (width=198px) while the image of your module in this block position has the width of 160px so it has white space there. Please try to use image with greater size.

    carlosemuralles JATC

    But I need the 160px width because is the standard 160×600 ad size.

    Also, when you unpublish the module position, the layout remains with the blank space at right:


    1. Captura
    carlosemuralles JATC

    Waiting response…

    Saguaros Moderator

    I’m so sorry for the late response. Thought that banner slider module should support option / ability to change the width and it’s easier to change width of module/ dimension of banner than customizing page layout.

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