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  • yourch Friend

    I’ve tried hard to add a background image in a mass head module ( for one page not all) and browser previous same issues under other templates.
    #1 Is background image in a Masshead module possible under Sugite ?
    #2 Is there any tweak to add under mass head config.php ?


    chavan Friend

    for each module provide a module sufix and write a background css for it. job done

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@yourch 448296 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,
    I’ve tried hard to add a background image in a mass head module ( for one page not all) and browser previous same issues under other templates.
    #1 Is background image in a Masshead module possible under Sugite ?
    #2 Is there any tweak to add under mass head config.php ?


    How did you try to add your background image to this position?

    yourch Friend

    Hi TomC and Chavan,
    Still not progressed concerning this issue. I’d like to have around 10 pages with
    1- articles (not modules for webpagespeed sake)
    2- mass head with 1 picture in the background but 1 mass head module per page so that I can have different illustrations for each page.
    I’ve prepared a new template base on default and named default (2) therefore with articles and changed the upper position (slideshow by mass head)
    Then in a mass head module I followed the guidelines to add picture according to http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-module/ja-masshead but nothing happened

    [Masshead Itemid=”95″ title=”Comités d’entreprise” background=”images/journalism-icon.jpg”]Description[/Masshead]

    1. Capture-d’écran-2014-10-10-à-17.19.43
    Eragon H Friend

    1. As my understanding, this is the one you need: http://prntscr.com/4vzx8s

    2. The conditions is correct. You can use different background images for different pages. Just add conditions to Module JA Masshead as this: http://prntscr.com/4vzy0h

    3. You may need to change the code at line 16 (http://prntscr.com/4vzxbt) in file root/templates/ja_sugite/html/mod_jamasshead/default.php


    <div class="jamasshead <?php echo $params->get('moduleclass_sfx','')?>">


    <div class="jamasshead <?php echo $params->get('moduleclass_sfx','')?>" <?php if(isset($masshead['params']['background'])): ?> style="background-image: url(<?php echo $masshead['params']['background'] ?>)" <?php endif; ?>>

    If you face problems, kindly PM your site URL, temporary admin account and FTP account. I can have a look

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