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  • kenkel22 Friend

    i knew what you meant.;) I think I might have an old thread that might help. I will reply back.

    kenkel22 Friend

    Take a look at this post:

    I know it is a different template but the principles are the same I believe – I have not tried it because I just can’t get my arms around CSS but hope this helps put you in the right direction? This guy that answered me was very helpful, when he originally answered me I had no idea what he was talking about, but since then as I have learned more, I think I get the general idea I just haven’t had time to sit down and try it. let me know!


    dric83 Friend

    YES !!
    THANK YOU !! its perfect !

    #ja-cssmenu li #menu248:hover{background-color: #cc0000; color: #ffffff;}

    change 248 by YOUR ID MENU

    kenkel22 Friend

    so you got it to work? maybe I’ll revisit that – thank you for the code snippet!:D

    dric83 Friend

    <em>@ukfraternite 78629 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I would like to add different coulors on every TAB MENU of my website.

    On the horizontal bar (maybe Top Menu, just under the logo, I would like to assign each box menu with a different coulor.

    Where can I find these lines and how to procceed ?

    Thanks for any help on this.</blockquote>

    Just use this code :

    #ja-cssmenu li #menu248:hover{background-color: #cc0000; color: #ffffff;}

    find each MENU ID instead of 248
    Send me a link for a specific help

    add or delete :hover for the hover function

    kenkel22 Friend

    Hi everyone – just to finish this off – I updated my senecio template and Cedric used this in TelineII but the principle is the same.

    1. Determine the item id# of the menu item that you wish to affect

    2. Go to the template css file, in my case it was template_css.css in the senecio template

    3. Go to the end of the template and add the following line of code for each menu item, substituting in your item id# accordingly for ‘999’ below and save your changes:

    #ja-cssmenu li #menu999:hover{background-color: #cc0000; color: #ffffff;} (in this case the css style menu is in effect)

    that’s it!

    In this case we only modified the hover bit but you get the idea. Thank you to Cedric for pulling it all together for me!

    dric83 Friend

    your welcome

    powerbook Friend

    Thanks that helped me as well 😀

    Has anyone got this so that the dropdowns of the css menu are the same color as the menu heading background?

    ukfraternite Friend


    I could not get any result from that.

    I am using teline 2 and I copied the code and replaced the menu id with my menu ids.

    I have even changed the coulors and deleted the hover. No effect.

    This is what I have done (see attachment)

    1. preview
    ukfraternite Friend

    Anyone, please.

    powerbook Friend

    To which menu (css) did you add that? Make sure you select the same menu form the template config to which you added the additional items…

    ja.cssmenu.css – If you have your template to use the css menu type…

    That solved my problem

    <em>@ukfraternite 108058 wrote:</em><blockquote>Anyone, please.</blockquote>

    kenkel22 Friend

    i modified my post above – you are right – thank you for pointing that out!

    ukfraternite Friend


    I am just wondering if I am following the correct path for this.

    I am using this:


    is that correct?

    Or do I need to go through the Admin backend? At present I am using the cpanel though and I can’t get it going.

    powerbook Friend

    I think the admin only allows for you to edit main css files. Making the changes and uploading the new css for the menu type via ftp is just as good…

    <em>@ukfraternite 108306 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I am just wondering if I am following the correct path for this.

    I am using this:


    is that correct?

    Or do I need to go through the Admin backend? At present I am using the cpanel though and I can’t get it going.</blockquote>

    kenkel22 Friend

    I actually used joomlaxplorer to edit my file

    but a better way would be to copy the file from your template back to your own pc (using ftp is easy)
    Edit in your change(s) by adding your customization at the very end of the file – just add it to the end.
    Go back to your template (on your server).
    Rename your old file to something else like put an ‘o’ for ‘old’ at the beginning of the filename, etc. e.g. otemplate_css.css

    Then ftp/copy your new revised template file over to your server.

    I use Filezilla for ftp

    ALSO – in answer to your question above, actually make the changes/customzation in the template.css file not the the one you described. By making the change in the template file, it will override anything in the other one I think (not positive but I think that’s how it works). In other words leave the ja.cssmenu.css file alone.

    In this example the actual filename path was:

    Directory: .. / templates / ja_teline_ii / css / template_css.css

    In my example I made a change in this fashion to the senecio template so the path was different filesname but similiar. Let me know how it goes – I use teline II as well on another site!

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