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  • chanton Friend

    I want the red colour for this nice template,but don’t know where to start customizing it. can someone advise?

    kallan Friend


    easiest place to start is in the ja_hedera template folder under css/colors copy_paste_ then rename one of the existing files to red.css

    To make this new css file the active one you will need to open the index.php file (inside the ja_hedera folder)
    line 23

    $ja_color_themes = array('default','orange','green');
    change to

    $ja_color_themes = array('default','orange','green','red');

    then line 30 change to
    $ja_color_default = 'red';

    open the red.css file and start changing the hex values of some of the elements in there and keep checking your site to see how it looks.

    Good luck

    Khanh Le Moderator

    Add more information to the Kallan post, the red.css file does not exist by default. You could make a clone from green.css or orange.css file inside folder css/colors.

    aduff Friend


    I have followed the instructions above and I am still getting the default (green) colour on my template.

    Do I need to adjust any colours in the template_css.css file?


    kallan Friend

    If you are using Mozilla Firefox as a browser you can download a web developers toolbar which lets you click on items and see where they are getting their styles from – this is extremely usefull if you are trying to customize.

    Otherwise what you will need to do is check the source code of the page when its loaded and find the object you are trying to modify and see what styles it has applied (ie img src = “” class=thisclass”) then look in the template_css.css file and see if the class is defined there and also check in your red color css file as well.

    Good luck

    aduff Friend

    Thanks kallan,

    I use Firebug with Firefox and agree that it is a most useful tool.

    My problem was twofold:
    #1..My version of Firefox was not refreshing as I would have expected it to using ctrl+F5 – I have since upgraded to – and hope this might fix the problem;and
    #2..the default-logo.jpg could not be found after I had created a new color theme as per the instructions of this thread.

    It appears that when you create a new colour scheme the template will look for a logo that has the same name as the new colour scheme (I am using the ja_xeniaii template running with Joomla! 1.0.13).

    For example, if you go into the color sub-directory (of the template css directory) and copy the orange.css colour scheme renaming it my_colour.css, the template will look for a logo (in the templates image directory) that has the name my_colour-logo.jpg. Using Firebug helped me locate this .jpg file and correct the problem (I simply copied the default-logo.jpg and renamed it my_colour-logo.jpg).

    I appreciate your follow-up to my problem….it really is a help to me and, I am sure, to others also.

    many thanks

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  aduff 16 years, 10 months ago.

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