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  • midnel Friend

    I have two box with tabs on my main page (like this):

    and I want one more..

    How to add it? I saw first one is on module position ja-tabs1 and second is ja-tabs2, so i guess, if i want third i need new position?

    What to do to get one more?


    khoand Friend

    – You create a new HTML custom module, and add text custom HTML as ja-tab rule.
    1. Type = modules
    {jatabs type=”modules” module=”position-7″ position=”top” mouseType=”click” animType=”animFade”} {/jatabs}

    2. Type = module
    {jatabs type=”module” modulename=”mod_menu, mod_login” position=”left” widthTabs=”150″ animType=”animMoveVir”} {/jatabs}

    3. Type = content
    {jatabs type=”content” position=”top” height=”240″ mouseType=”mouseover” animType=”animMoveHor”} <img src=”images/sampledata/fruitshop/apple.jpg” alt=”Sample image” align=”left” class=”caption” />… <img src=”images/sampledata/fruitshop/bananas_2.jpg” /> <img src=”images/sampledata/fruitshop/tamarind.jpg” /> {/jatabs}

    4. Type = articles
    {jatabs type=”articles” ids=”25, 26, 27″ ajax=true view=”introtext” position=”right” widthTabs=150 width=530 animType=”animMoveVir”} {/jatabs}

    5. Type = articles
    {jatabs type=”articles” catid=”55″ view=”introtext” ajax=true position=”bottom” animType=”animMoveHor”} {/jatabs}
    – To use ja-tab, you choose extensions–>plugin manager–>System – JA Tabs to view instruction

    Samuel Maxime Friend

    <em>@khoand 234484 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,
    – You create a new HTML custom module, and add text custom HTML as ja-tab rule.
    1. Type = modules
    {jatabs type=”modules” module=”position-7″ position=”top” mouseType=”click” animType=”animFade”} {/jatabs}

    2. Type = module
    {jatabs type=”module” modulename=”mod_menu, mod_login” position=”left” widthTabs=”150″ animType=”animMoveVir”} {/jatabs}

    3. Type = content
    {jatabs type=”content” position=”top” height=”240″ mouseType=”mouseover” animType=”animMoveHor”} <img src=”images/sampledata/fruitshop/apple.jpg” alt=”Sample image” align=”left” class=”caption” />… <img src=”images/sampledata/fruitshop/bananas_2.jpg” /> <img src=”images/sampledata/fruitshop/tamarind.jpg” /> {/jatabs}

    4. Type = articles
    {jatabs type=”articles” ids=”25, 26, 27″ ajax=true view=”introtext” position=”right” widthTabs=150 width=530 animType=”animMoveVir”} {/jatabs}

    5. Type = articles
    {jatabs type=”articles” catid=”55″ view=”introtext” ajax=true position=”bottom” animType=”animMoveHor”} {/jatabs}
    – To use ja-tab, you choose extensions–>plugin manager–>System – JA Tabs to view instruction</blockquote>

    Also you may have to add a new module position to your templates.xml file in your templates folder [ja_teline_iv]. The position you use in the custom module might already be used.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Samuel Maxime 13 years, 9 months ago.

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