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  • citroen1968a Friend


    when I look to the doc from Appolio

    To enable this feature, we need to add Module ID then define the Module ID in the script.js file (located in templates/ja_appolio/js

    But when I did quickstart install and looked in the script.js
    I could not find something like this

    but the The animation of section in Homepage was working :((

    where can i find it in the script.js file


    kelvin899 Friend

    Hey Citroen,

    You are talking about the content that zooms in when you scroll down? I had this kind of question before, because it didn’t load well. These animations are not JS but are done in CSS.

    If you create a custom.css inside your template/css folder, then put this in:

    .section.parallax.section-center.inview .last-content {
    animation: scale-up 0s ease-out 0s both;

    Then change the number in the red, I hope this is what your meaning!

    citroen1968a Friend

    where could you find it in the orginale css file

    kelvin899 Friend

    I think the original is located in ja_appolio/css/template.css

    citroen1968a Friend

    you could find it to in the less folder
    and then style.less

    Adam M Moderator


    Actually, this CSS code is defined how the animation works so you shouldn’t modify it.

    .section.parallax.section-center.inview .last-content {
    animation: scale-up 0s ease-out 0s both;

    @citroen1968a : I think you missed this part :

    <blockquote>To add Module ID for module, open Advanced tab then add id to the Module Class Suffix field.</blockquote>

    That means you will have to create a module >>> switch to tab Advanced (in module setting panel) >>> add unique value in Module Class Suffix (for example my_unique_module) >>> place it in frontpage >>> open file script.js then update the code. Please note that if you used my_unique_module, so you will have to type #my_unique_module.

    citroen1968a Friend


    Maybe the problem now is that the doc. is not up to date and then it is difficult to find out how it is working:((

    Adam M Moderator


    If you want to list all modules are using this feature, please navigate to Admin >>> Extensions >>> Module Manager >>> in the Filter column on the left >>> choose to display all modules in position ‘parallax’

    citroen1968a Friend

    Hi Adam,

    i did not missed that part
    but when you look at the doc
    they this used in advanced module Bring it everywhere
    onepage-1 onepage-center

    but when you looked at quick install with same module you see this

    everywhere section-center:((

    Adam M Moderator


    I have rechecked the documentation and found that it’s a bit out-dated. I reported this matter to development team to update online documentation as soon as possible.

    Back to your problem, you can duplicate than edit any existing module to suite your need, there’s no need to update the script.js file as all modules placed in position ‘parallax’ will be taken automatically.

    Thanks for your understanding.

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