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  • djtaylor Friend

    Hi as i was very new with installing Joomla and the JA templates i was concentrating on how to develop my site to make it look and function as nice as possible to my own needs.
    I totally forgot about site security and the spammers.
    As I was still developing the site and not promoting the site at all
    I did not think that the ninja spammers would get me but they did,
    my forum, shout-box and articles were completely full of spam,
    I had over 1000+ fake accounts created which took me a while to weed them out & delete them & there comments.

    To avoid this I recommend by making site security priority to save you with future hassle.
    Useful FREE plug-ins I have installed & now i get no spam or fake accounts 🙂

    <blockquote>KeyCAPTCHA – Innovative Anti-Spam Service. KeyCAPTCHA is an effective monetizing tool of your website. In contrast to other systems, KeyCAPTCHA solidly protects your website against spam.</blockquote>

    <blockquote>Protects Joomla! core forms and 3rd party extensions through the integration of anti-spam services and adds an arithmetic problem, a hidden field and a time lock.</blockquote>

    Feel free to add your 2cents or recommendations.

    1. 30709
    2. 18614
    Blaine Friend

    Thanks for the TIPS!!!

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Blaine 12 years, 9 months ago.

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