Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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  • 5k18a Friend

    I can’t change a favico. I copied my icon to templates/ja_busines but it doesn’t work at all. I have only this regular joomla fav. Any one know how to do it?

    ehhhh ok solved. you can delete this post….:-[

    freissmann Developer

    why don’t you tell the community how you solved it?

    alexmnicholas Friend

    please let us know how you resolved this. I am having same problem. I’ve overwritten the Joomla Favicon with my new favicon and i’ve cleared cache etc but still the old joomla favicon displays.

    Anyone can help?


    huypl Friend

    Dear alexmnicholas,
    Please change the Favicon in this folder pluginssystemjat3base-themesdefaultimages

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  huypl 13 years, 10 months ago.

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