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  • ukfraternite Friend


    I am using Joomla with Quickstart. When I put my site on maintenance mode (which is the case at present), I see a Joomla image undes my website’s name: Imagine Guinée.

    How can I change that image with my logo?

    I have looked almost every possible area, in vain.

    Please help.

    website: http://www.imagineguinee.com

    Thank you.

    mj1256 Friend

    thats a joomla question, did you check on the forum at joomla.org

    questbg Friend

    Hi ukfraternite

    I had a quick look at your site. The Joomla logo is a graphic called “joomla_logo_black.jpg” which is stored in the /images folder.

    Maybe a quick fix would be to make your own logo to the exact same size (350 px x 71 px), call it the same name and overwrite the Joomla one?

    (take a backup first of course!!).

    Let me know if that works, it would be a good fix for me too if I ever need Maintenance Mode switched on.


    ukfraternite Friend

    Hello questbg,

    All went well and I have changed the logo – just as you explained.

    Thanks for the help.

    Have a good day!

    questbg Friend

    Glad it worked, I’ll try and remember that myself in case I ever need it!! 😀

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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