I figured it out myself. What’s needed is an additional line of code, not a change to that existing line. I grabbed the code snippet from the helper.php file in JA Sidenews, which does sort by created by dates. I was also wrong about where to add this additional piece of code. I think lines 168-169 belong to the portion of code pertaining to K2 content, I needed to change content pulled from Joomla! articles.
So here’s what to do, within public_html/modules/mod_jabulletin/helper.php go to lines 425-427. You should see the exact same line of code as mentioned in my previous post.
Now above that line of code, add this:
[PHP] $item->modified =($item->modified != ” && $item->modified != ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’) ? $item->created : $item->created;
So the whole thing should look like, starting from line 420:
[PHP] $item->introtext = JHtml::_(‘content.prepare’, $item->introtext);
$item->text = htmlspecialchars ( $item->title );
$item->modified =($item->modified != ” && $item->modified != ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’) ? $item->created : $item->created;
if ($showdate) {
$item->date = $item->modified == null||$item->modified==””||$item->modified==”0000-00-00 00:00:00″ ? $item->created : $item->modified;
$item->image = ”;
That seemed to do the trick.