<em>@ipb1962 32766 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have created an new Menu and published it in Left position, I want to show the Menu title but I want to remove that little flowery image and the glow at the bottom.
Any help please?</blockquote>
for the flowery image you have to open /templates/ja_fagus/template_css.css and search for
[PHP]div.module h3 span {
padding-left: 22px;
display: block;
background: url(../images/h3span-bg.gif) no-repeat left 45%;
[PHP] background: url(../images/h3span-bg.gif) no-repeat left 45%; [/PHP]
for the glow background you have to edit h3-bg.gif and h3-bg-n.gif and change the color with an imageeditor. backup your files.