May be you changed wrong file
<blockquote>From Image: modules/mod_jaslideshow2/tmpl/default.php </blockquote>
<?php foreach($captionsArray as $desc) {?>
<div class="ja-slide-desc"><?php echo $desc?></div>
<?php }?>
change to
<?php foreach($captionsArray as $desc) {?>
<div class="ja-slide-desc"><?php echo $helper->trimString( $desc, $descMaxChars, $includeTags );?></div>
<?php }?>
<blockquote>From Article: modules/mod_jaslideshow2/tmpl/default_articles.php file is still support it</blockquote>
<?php echo $helper->trimString( $item->introtext, $navDescmaxlength, $includeTags ); ?>
If you have still the same error please send PM me with URL, admin access and FTP account, i will help you out of