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  • djamy Friend

    Hi All,

    I want to change the main image which is on the top (it’s initially JPG) by flash picture with animation, how can i do that ?

    Can someone please assist me ?

    Michael Casha Friend

    You should be able to just replace the image code in /index.php with the code of your flash file.

    djamy Friend

    Hi Miccas,

    First thanks for your reply, can you please be more specific because I replaced the code and nothing worked !

    I think the code will be inserted in the below line (index.php) :

    $ja_header_images =”sh01.jpg”;

    And my flash code is :
    <object classid=”clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000″
    width=”880″ height=”150″ id=”test” align=””>
    <param name=movie value=”test.swf”><param name=quality value=high>
    <embed src=”test.swf” quality=high width=”880″ height=”150″ name=”test” align=””
    type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=””>

    So, how to combine that ? please assist

    Menalto Friend

    paste your index file here

    djamy Friend

    Hi Menalto, this is my index file

    Note : I removed “the index file” copied here because it was too long, keeping all the page and Menalto who requested are no longer there -)

    bluecafe Friend

    You could try:

    $ja_header_images = array('header1.swf','header2.swf','header3.swf','header4.swf');

    and at the place where you want to insert the header.swf’s

    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
    width="880" height="150" id="test" align="">
    <param name=movie value="<?php echo '$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg'; ?>"><param name=quality value=high>
    <embed src="<?php echo '$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg'; ?>" quality=high width="880" height="150" name="test" align=""
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="">

    Not sure if it will work though … 😎

    ps the place where the header image is inserted is called subheader in the template:

    <div id="ja-sh-wrap1">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap2">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap3">
    <div id="ja-sh" class="clearfix" style="background:url(<?php echo "$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg"; ?>) no-repeat top right; ">

    A problem that might incur is that the original header image is inserted as background image while the navigation is included in the div. Since the swf file is inserted with object or embed tags it will most likely have an impact on the navigation. Maybe you need to put the swf file in a separate div.

    djamy Friend

    Hi bluecafe, when I do this all template change and there is a lot errors and NO image! now i came back to the original one, any other idea?

    Michael Casha Friend

    What errors were you experiencing?

    djamy Friend

    Salut Miccas,

    J’ai l’erreur suivante :

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in C:xampplitehtdocsalgamiltemplatesja_zibalindex.php on line 21

    bluecafe Friend

    Line 21 is where the header images are defined. There shouldn’t be any < sign. You obviously put the code at the wrong place.

    In line 21 you only define your swf-files as header images, i.e.

    $ja_header_images = array('header1.swf','header2.swf','header3.swf','header4.swf');

    no code with < tags.

    The code where you insert the swf file belongs at the place of the template where it says something about subheader

    <div id="ja-sh-wrap1">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap2">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap3">
    <div id="ja-sh" class="clearfix" style="background:url(<?php echo "$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg"; ?>) no-repeat top right; ">

    Here you would need to remove the haderimage as background image and insert it as swf object instead (not as background-image, this is not possible with swf-files).

    Michael Casha Friend

    Did that resolve your issue?

    djamy Friend


    Let me sumarize first what i did after your recommendation :
    1. in line 21 I updated as following:
    $ja_header_images = array(‘test.swf’) //and I put the test.swf file in the right place

    2. I replaced the below lines :

    <div id="ja-sh-wrap1">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap2">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap3">
    <div id="ja-sh" class="clearfix" style="background:url(<?php echo "$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg"; ?>) no-repeat top right; ">


    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
    width="880" height="150" id="test" align="">
    <param name=movie value="<?php echo '$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg'; ?>"><param name=quality value=high>
    <embed src="<?php echo '$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg'; ?>" quality=high width="880" height="150" name="test" align=""
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="">

    As a result, the position of the top menu changed (they became too long) and nothing is displaying in the place of the main image (test.swf).

    so, can u please assist ?

    bluecafe Friend

    I am afraid you misunderstood my post. 🙂 You should not replace the code in point 2) but insert the code AFTER this code.

    In addition you need to remove the background image. This part:

    style="background:url(<?php echo "$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg"; ?>) no-repeat top right;

    djamy Friend

    Hi bluecafe

    I have implemented as per your recommendations (part 2), see below:

    <!-- BEGIN: SUBHEADER -->
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap1">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap2">
    <div id="ja-sh-wrap3">
    <div id="ja-sh" class="clearfix">
    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
    width="880" height="150" id="test" align="">
    <param name=movie value="<?php echo '$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg'; ?>"><param name=quality value=high>
    <embed src="<?php echo '$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg'; ?>" quality=high width="880" height="150" name="test" align=""
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="">

    Everything looks fine except the main image which is blank and not there !

    bluecafe Friend

    Did you load the movie in exact the same folder like the original header image (template/images/color … )?

    Since you are only using one swf-file it would probably be easier not to use the php headerimage declaration at all since you actually don’t need an array.

    Instead of
    value=”<?php echo ‘$ja_template_path/images/$ja_color/$ja_headerimg’; ?>” (rest remains the same)

    just state value=”your.swf” and place the swf file in the root folder.
    Or use value=”images/stories/your.swf” and place it in the images/stories folder

    Same replacement in the embed part the line below.

    Another option would be to just insert a module position and placing your swf file there by using a flash/video module or something like this.

    You can create a module position by inserting <?php
    if (mosCountModules( “inset” )) mosLoadModules ( ‘inset’, -1 ); ?>

    Now you can publish the flash module at the ‘inset’ position.

    But first I would try to embed the swf file via html by using a simple path without php array and see if this works. Good luck! 🙂

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  djamy 16 years, 11 months ago.

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