Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
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  • danielariza1982 Friend

    How to change the menu item (Features, Services, video…) Template cloris?, seems to be made with any type of module, not a normal menu and can not find

    damian Friend

    Go to your module manager and take a look module position page1 page 2 page 3 etc

    danielariza1982 Friend

    Yes, from there change the content without problems but I can not change the menu titles

    madfish2008 Friend

    i changed mine going to

    extension>>template>>layouts>> editing default

    it works, but i don’t know if it’s the better way. was more easy before K2 😀

    danielariza1982 Friend

    nothing, no way, I can not change the menu titles

    danielariza1982 Friend

    There, solved, it seems a bit complicated if you do not explain a little better, you’re right, I solved by editing template/ cloris / core/ etc/ layout/ defalult.php. with dreamweaver.
    Thank you very much.

    k2joom Friend

    This post may answer my question.

    So are we saying that in what appears to be the main menu, with links to About Us, Features, Services, Gallery, I am using the 1.6 QuickStart version, this can not be changed from the backend?

    Quick Start includes Custom HTML module in position Page1 called About Us and would have expected the module name to be used in the list, but after changing the module name this does not have any effect on the menu. If I unpublish any of these custom modules for page 1, 2 etc, then they are removed for the menu.

    I checked the main menu, in menu manager, but that only contains the sub nav items in J!menu but not of the others mentioned.

    Has this really got to be a file mod just to change this faux menu ?

    Phill Moderator

    You do not need to modify the file in an external editor. In the template manager click on the layouts tab and int layouts managment edit your layout of choice. Simply click on the edit button for the default layout for example and you will see the below code. Change the bits in red as required.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layout name="desktop">
    <!--Extra css load for this layout-->
    <blocks name="top" style="xhtml">
    <block name="absolute" type="modules" style="raw">absolute</block>
    <block name="top-panel" type="modules" style="raw" main-inner="1">top-panel</block>
    <block name="subnav" type="subnav" main-inner="1"></block>
    <block name="onepage" type="onepage" pageid="" no-wrap="1" no-main="1">
    <page name="about-us" type="modules" title="About us" class="light first-item">page1</page>
    <page name="features" type="modules" title="Features" class="dark">page2</page>
    <page name="services" type="modules" title="Services" class="light">page3</page>
    <page name="video" type="modules" title="Video" class="dark">page4</page>
    <page name="gallery" type="modules" title="Gallery" class="light">page5</page>
    <page name="blog" type="modules" title="Blog" class="light">page6</page>
    <page name="faq" type="modules" title="Faq" class="light">page7</page>
    <page name="contact-us" type="modules" title="Contact us" class="light last-item">page8</page>
    <block name="cpanel" type="usertools/cpanel"></block>
    <block name="topsl" type="spotlight" main-inner="1">user1,user2,user3,user4,user5</block>
    <blocks name="middle" main-inner="1" colwidth="30">
    <block name="left1">left</block>
    <block name="right1">right</block>
    <blocks name="bottom" style="xhtml">
    <block name="navhelper" type="navhelper" wrap-inner="1" main-inner="1"></block>
    <block name="botsl" type="spotlight" wrap-inner="1" main-inner="1" special="right" specialwidth="55">user6,user7,user8,user9,user10</block>
    <block name="footer" type="footer" main-inner="1"></block>

    k2joom Friend

    Hi Phil,

    Many thanks.

    Still getting used to T3 and all these configurations, but that’s one less hassle.
    Appreciated 🙂

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  k2joom 13 years, 11 months ago.

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