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  • ukfraternite Friend


    I have just placed my website OFFLINE. And when you access the site, the page displays a Joomla Logo, the name of my site, and the error message saying that the site is down for maintenance, to contact the admin.

    I know that the message can be changed via the Global config.

    I would like to know how to change the Joomla logo to my OWN LOGO. Teline 2

    I would like, only registered members to be able a access the site. And I have been looking around to see if I can find a feature that can allow me to restrict access to the site to registered members only. The way I wanted it is to have a welcome message and an explanation of WHY they are not able to see the live site.

    But I believe with my Joomla 1.5.3, if I put the site OFFLINE and change the Joomla logo and custonise the message, this would work fine for me. Unless there is something better and more pro. out there.

    Thanks in advance.

    ukfraternite Friend

    does anyone know, please?

    redlight_traitor Friend

    Download the Web Developer and Firebug add-ons for firefox and use the INSPECT tool on that logo to see where it is placed.

    Menalto Friend

    You can find the Joomla logo in /images/joomla_logo_black.jpg

    Another thing you can do is to make a new template with just the log in module and assign that to frontpage and set all content/modules/menu items to registered users. This is untested.

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