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  • djos Friend

    In the Theme Customizer there is Module Styles. But I still do not understand how to change the styles of modules. What you need to write in paragraph "Apply for modules"? Module ID? Suffix?

    1. FireShot-Capture-28-Шаблони_-редагувати-стиль-_-http___shepetivka.com_.ua_administrator_index.php_
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    This style will be used for all the modules like the colour of the text is work for all.
    If you would like to define a different colour for each module, you have to use module suffix in Joomla.
    by this, you can add the custom suffix to the custom.css file and define your own style.
    here is documentation helps you.


    djos Friend

    What do you need to enter in that field?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can enter the module id in this to apply the style on this module.
    For example #Mod130 is module http://prntscr.com/hm9ps0
    The style will apply on this module.


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