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  • lo30sopa6 Developer

    I have a big problem: When nothing is published on the frontpage, the div and class styles are still visible.

    So even though there is no article published on the frontpage you can still see the top/bottom margin and padding. This results in an annoying whitespace beteween the top blocks and bottom blocks.

    I attached two screenshots to illustrate the problem:

    Frontpage with one article published:

    Frontpage with one article unpublished:

    Since I do need the frontpage from time to time to publish at least one item, creating a separate frontpage layout without the main block (body) is not an option.

    I have had this problem with the blank template as well as the purity ii template.

    My question: how can I fix this? The problem is quite urgent since I have a client that wants his website online in 2 days…


    1. frontpageunpublished
    2. frontpagepublished
    Saguaros Moderator

    You open the file templatesja_purity_iilayoutsblocksmain.php and add:

    this code at line 1:
    <?php if( !$this->isFrontPage() ) : ?>
    and add this at end of file:
    <?php endif; ?>

    lo30sopa6 Developer

    <em>@tienhc 192288 wrote:</em><blockquote>You open the file templatesja_purity_iilayoutsblocksmain.php and add:

    this code at line 1:
    <?php if( !$this->isFrontPage() ) : ?>
    and add this at end of file:
    <?php endif; ?>

    Dear Tienhc,

    Thanks for your suggestion, but I allready knew this solution and it doesn’t solve the problem since it hides the mainbody on the frontpage permanently. So you can’t publish anything at all on the frontpage when needed.

    Do you have another ‘solution’?


    Saguaros Moderator

    other solution for this:

    you add the following code in the file: templatesja_pyrolibsja.template.helper.php
    a) find this:
    function getColumnWidth ($name) {
    function isCustomShowed(){
    if( $this->isFrontPage() ) {
    $tmp = new ContentModelFrontpage();
    return $tmp->getTotal();
    return true;

    function getColumnWidth ($name) {

    and You open the file templatesja_purity_iilayoutsblocksmain.php and add:
    at line 1:
    <?php if( !$this->isCustomShowed() ) : ?>

    and add this at end of file:
    <?php endif; ?>

    lo30sopa6 Developer

    Thanks in advance Tienhc! I will try this tomorrow and I will let you know if it works.

    Thanks again,

    goezera Friend

    How can I solve a similar problen on JA Portfolio

    irookie Friend

    <em>@goezera 202378 wrote:</em><blockquote>How can I solve a similar problen on JA Portfolio[/QUOTE

    JA Portfolio frontpage section is really annoying, how can we remove it.?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    hi guys,

    @goezeraL portfolio uses jat3, thus you can consult above solution.
    @irookie: which part you want to remove?

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