Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • mikel2004 Friend


    I wish to modify the size of the titles in JA News Featured module, and I wish the font: “Arial Narrow, Arial, sans-serif” too.
    What can I do?


    1. JA-News-Featured
    swissa Friend

    Hi mikel2004,

    As already suggested in another thread by @timtecsa you’ll find your life a lot easier if you take some time to learn how to use either Firefox Firebug or Google Chrome Tools. If you invest the time, you’ll spend less time posting on the forum and waiting for replies. 🙂

    There are videos all over the web in multiple languages plus at google themselves – https://developers.google.com/chrome-developer-tools/docs/videos?hl=de#getting_started


    If you learn the basics, you’ll be able to sort these questions quickly enabling you to spend more time building your site.

    Hope that offers you some help! Have fun.

    mikel2004 Friend


    Only can you tell me How can I make to put a spacing in top of each four titles of the left?


    swissa Friend

    <em>@mikel2004 416500 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ok!

    Only can you tell me How can I make to put a spacing in top of each four titles of the left?


    Ummm, no, as I’ve never seen your site and you haven’t posted a url.

    Why not have a look with Chrome and tell me what you think needs to change? Or change it directly in Chrome and see if it works for yourself? – You may want to do a google search for ‘css’ ‘padding’ and ‘margin’ to help you.

    Once you start using Chrome Developer Tools your frustrations will diminish and you’ll be more confident solving a lot of css problems. But you have to start using it first!! 😉

    mikel2004 Friend

    padding-top: 4px is the answer!


    swissa Friend

    Excellent. Well done!

    Next time, you’ll find the solution, on your own, in 3 minutes instead of 3 hours. Congratulations! 🙂

    One last piece of advice – so that you don’t lose all your hard work make sure you do regular backups.

    Good luck with the site.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  swissa 10 years, 10 months ago.

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