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  • izidorg Friend


    I need to change the current/default? setting of the column width of ja-mainbody 60% and ja-right 40% to 75% and 25% respectively.
    I’ve found the following lines in templates/ja_norite/page/default.php:

    <div id=”ja-mainbody” style=”width:<?php echo $this->getColumnWidth(‘mw’) ?>%”>
    <div id=”ja-right” class=”column sidebar” style=”width:<?php echo $r ?>%”>

    Which I believe are responsible for these setup.
    I do not want to make a hardcode changes to replace the call to getColumnWidth with the desired width.
    Unfortunately I don’t know where the getColumnWidth method is defined to apply my changes to take the desired column width effect.

    Any help on this is appreciated.


    pavit Moderator

    Hi izidorg

    Try to look at this guide

    Custom width

    Expression: <block name=”top-spotlight” type=”spotlight” special=”left” specialwidth=”25″>user1,user2,user3,user4,user5</block>
    Purpose: – this will override the default 20% width for a single position within the layout, it could be the one in the right side, it could be the one in the left side, but let’s examine these parameters closer:

    special=”left” – this defines where is the module we want to use the custom width: left or right
    specialwidth=”25″ – this defines the new width value for this module within the spotlight block.

    izidorg Friend

    I have the following default definition in my template:

    <blocks name=”middle” colwidth=”20″>
    <block name=”right-mass-top” style=”jarounded” >right-mass-top</block>
    <block name=”right2″>left</block>
    I’ve tried the folloiwng for the “right-mass-top” : use special=”right” specialwidth=”5″, which did not work.
    The only worked for me when I have set: <blocks name=”middle” colwidth=”10″>.
    This decreased the “right-mass-top” twice. In fact I’m happy with the result, but I was thinking that:
    <block name=”right-mass-top” style=”jarounded” special=”right” specialwidth=”5″ >right-mass-top</block>
    supposed doing the same effect…:confused:

    What do you think about this?


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