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  • Syrhc Friend

    I would like to create a tranverse category that would entail articles from several categories.
    Is there any way one could do that? Using tags perhaps?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Not sure what exactly you want to show , You can check out the Menu type from the menu options . Create new Menu items > Menu type there u can see all possible options present in template and Joomla : http://prntscr.com/a0xd9c

    Syrhc Friend

    I would like to put together, on the homepage, certain type of articles (which could be selected manually). Just like the video gallery puts together a particular type of articles from several categories. But here, I would like to do it according to some content criterias.
    I can’t see it in the menu type options.

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    These are the only Menu options present in the template . If you want to create new menu type you need to create new files php files in /html/com_content/category folder . It need pretty heavy custom work , You can hire a developer for such work , it out of support scope .

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