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  • ctaborda Friend


    Great templates! I am having some issues with my design. I need to add a new ‘area’ under the logo.

    Hopefully someone can lend me a hand 🙂 Attached is a screenshot of what I am trying to accomplish.

    Thanks in advance! 🙂

    1. sc01
    ctaborda Friend

    Anyone around?

    Sherlock Friend

    can you say your joomla ver sion ?

    ctaborda Friend

    Yes, I am using Joomla 1.5.

    I would appreciate some help Thanks.

    mj1256 Friend

    i would create a new user position for that area, then i would create a new custom module and hardcode the links, or create a new menu and assign it to the new position i created, either or

    you’ll have to resize the logo in the css too!

    ctaborda Friend


    Thanks for the reply. However, the problem is I don’t know how to create a new user position.

    mj1256 Friend

    do you know any html so you can edit the index file?

    ctaborda Friend


    Yea, that I do. But I don’t understand ‘div’ lines so much. I’m still old school <td> :((

    Can you give me a hand on where to insert what lines? I wanted to do a regular php include, to just point to a file with some links, etc.

    Let me know if you could give me a hand.

    I wonder, do the mods here provide with any support whatsoever?

    mj1256 Friend

    i also am not good with divs, i would have just redone it in a table just like you,

    its at this point that i ask myself
    1) will this increase traffic
    2) improve navigation
    3) increase visitor engagement time
    4) convert to a sale ot a lead
    5) increase ad revenue

    if any of the above can be affected it means that the cahnge will increase my ROI if I have the development done and i look to pay someone to do it (like a joomlancer)

    if there is no ROI and it is just to please my rule number 4 (see my signature) then i skip it. in a week i have forgotten the idea and the site visitors don’t think of things like that anyways.

    I would have to try to do it in order to help you and i just do not have the time tp play that much

    ctaborda Friend

    hire someone? to add a field like that? I’ve used joomla templates from Yoothemes.com and the happily guide you on what I was trying to do.

    Does joomlart people read this?

    The ‘moderator’ talked, and then continued to ignore me. Really, a simple answer won’t hurt them.

    mj1256 Friend

    they are not always that helpful, are they, i could figure it out, but i don’t have the time, sorry i couldn’t help

    Sherlock Friend

    Sorry about late
    Did you edit Helio template ?
    Please send me FTP and admin account, i will help

    ctaborda Friend


    I haven’t edited the actual INDEX.html file, I’m going to attach it here so you can see it.

    All changes I made where from CSS.

    All I want is to create an area on the INDEX, and then I can create my own module that is located in that area.


    1. index.txt
    Sherlock Friend

    you can edit index.php
    Search those lines:

    <?php if ($this->countModules('top')) { ?>
    <div id="ja-login">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="top" style="raw" />
    <?php } ?>

    Add a line above:

    <div id="ja-add"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="your position" style="raw" /></div>
    you can choose position to replace “your position” and you can choose style as raw, xhtml, rounded

    ctaborda Friend

    Great! Ng, thanks, it worked.

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