test melih
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  • juliettta Friend

    I read all your documentation for the template directory , but I can not find how to make the connection by creating articles . I created categories in K2 components and K2 categories menu in the top menu but now I do not know how to create articles by clicking on my menus come to my pages. Put simply, how to create articles with K2 categories
    Thanks in advance,

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    After you created K2 categories you will need to create new K2 items and assign them to each specific category

    Important is to assign to your k2 items the extra fields like location , address , latitude, longitude

    Anyway for all references related to the template configuration you can take a look again at the documentation HOW TO Section HERE

    also you can download and install on your local the quickstart version that is an exact replica of demo site so you can copy all template settings


    juliettta Friend

    Thank you for your answer,
    I have already downloaded the quickstart BUT I did not have the items Already CREATE Ni What What Either Just The AU model Model With The Installs modules , I’ll Have OF MODELS with articles ?

    juliettta Friend

    How can I get the items ans categories ? Because I assigned items to extra fields and categories, my items appear in the "Look The Places" but that’s all, and when I click on the items doesn’t appear.

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Best way to have your website working as demo in to install the quickstart version on your local with sample data and follow documentation, looking at quickstart you can see how all k2 items are configured and how each category works , or you can install directly quickstart and start to customize it as per your needs.

    juliettta Friend

    Yes, but I have already upload the quickstart, my template is the quickstart directory template, every module was here but not items, et categories, there is a way to upload this only parts in my local website. I follow the documentation but is not explain, sorry for all my questions but I don’t understand every thing because I’m french,
    perhaps it is the need to download a particular database where there are articles and categories?
    thank’s by advance, Julie

    pavit Moderator


    Could you please share as private reply a temp super user account to your backend

    I will have a look at it and will show how to create K2 items

    juliettta Friend

    I can’t because it’s in local,
    There he has a solution to have exactly the same template as the demo with the articles of the demo ?

    pavit Moderator

    I can’t because it’s in local,
    There he has a solution to have exactly the same template as the demo with the articles of the demo ?


    You will need to install quickstart version and also install SAMPLE DATA when requested , installing sample data will copy all website content and settings exactly like demo site

    Take a look HERE on how to install quickstart .

    I can suggest to start again from scratch – delete everything on your installation folder and make a new database , then start again to install quickstart

    1. Screenshot_5
    juliettta Friend

    Hi !
    thank you very much it’s working ! The only problem is when I want the change the name or the information of the items I can"t and this thing appean and I can’t click on it to see the problem

    1. Capture-d’écran-2016-06-10-à-19.03.04
    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    It is a notice to remember you that something is missing when you are trying to save item

    verify all fields are correctly filled and then you can save it

    juliettta Friend

    yes but even if I change one letter on the items it doesn"t work at all and this sign appear

    pavit Moderator


    If you want to be helped with your website development you shoud publish your website on a public host from where we can access and look at your configuration.

    This problem you are having means that first to be able to save your item, you should fill correctly all required fields , in this case the extra fields tab , because k2 items to works with the template should have extra fields values filled and not empty.

    Best regards

    1. Screenshot_3-3
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