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  • sijas Friend

    How can I display a 3 column content with many rows in JA_Mers?
    What is the best and clean way to do?

    1 Tomato Soup 3.50
    EN: Tomato soup flavored with freshly ground Indian herbs and spices.
    NL: Tomatensoep op smaak gebracht met versgemalen Indiaanse kruiden en specerijen.
    FR: Soupe de tomates aromatisées avec des herbes fraîchement moulu et les épices indiennes.
    2 Chicken Soup 4. 50
    EN: Chicken soup flavored with freshly ground Indian herbs and spices.
    NL: Kippensoep op smaak gebracht met versgemalen Indiase kruiden en specerijen
    FR: Soupe de poulet aromatisé aux herbes fraîchement moulu et les épices indiennes

    pavit Moderator


    Seems that you need a multilanguage site

    I don’t understand if you want only one menu with 3 submenus for different language or you need to have a site with three menu in three different languages

    Please explain better what are you trying to obtain

    sijas Friend

    I just need to display

    ITEM-NUMBER | PRODUCT | PRICE in a table format. But I want them in accordance with the template colors.

    Can you please have a look at the link http://www.indianrasoi.be/#our-story


    pavit Moderator


    apologize for my misunderstanding

    I think you can use in your pages some 3d party extension look at this one i have used it for my sites and is a great module

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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