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  • jersonjunior Friend

    Hi, how i create positions on main content block in joomla 1.6?

    TomC Moderator

    Just to try to clarify . . . . are you wanting to create entirely new “positions,” or are you wanting to create/display custom modules/content within the main content block area?

    Do you have a mock-up of what it is you are envisioning ???

    jersonjunior Friend

    Look this picture explain my ideia.

    1. positions
    Sherlock Friend

    please go to templatesja_minisitelocaletclayouts folder, if you see default.xml, please open it, if no please go to templatesja_minisitecoreetclayouts folder and open default.xml
    You will see 1 line like below
    <blockquote><block name=”right1″ >left</block></blockquote>
    Please change to
    <blockquote><block name=”right1″ type=”spotlight”>left,user20,user21</block></blockquote>
    Then you will have 2 news position are user20 and user 21.

    jersonjunior Friend

    Ok, tanks very match

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jersonjunior 13 years, 6 months ago.

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