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  • Author
  • ithacaindy Friend

    The only way I’ve found to get rid of the “Details” text in the article byline is to turn off everything, including the author name. How can I still display the author’s name in articles but remove the Details bit?

    (This is with Joomla 1.6 only)

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear ithacaindy,

    Please try as following

    open the folder of pluginssystemjat3jat3base-themesdefaulthtml,there you would see a folder name com_content

    Just copy that folder,put it into the folder of templatesja_teline_ivhtml
    Then open the file of templatesja_teline_ivhtmlcom_contentarticledefault.php,Look for this line of codes and remove

    <dt class=”article-info-term”><?php echo JText::_(‘COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_INFO’); ?></dt>

    I hope it would help !

    ithacaindy Friend

    <em>@dathq 217697Please try as following [/QUOTE wrote:</em><blockquote>

    Thank you; that worked perfectly. I hope this correction can make it into a future update of Teline IV so that users will not need to keep editing the template files.

    ithacaindy Friend

    <em>@dathq 217697 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    Please try as following


    Your suggestion removed the “Details” portion, but introduced another problem. Articles bylines on the front page are set to “JUser.” When the full article displays, the correct author is shown, however.

    actu9 Friend

    Thanks dathq, really helpful !!
    Maybe you vcan help me to solve an other problem I have with this line.
    Right now, it is displayed like that : Publié le Mercredi, 16 Avril 2008 02:18 Écrit par Super User
    But i would like to remove :
    1 > Publié le Mercredi,
    2 > 02:18
    3 > Écrit par
    and add a bar separator (|) between the date and the author.
    Have a good day,

    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@actu9 220112 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks dathq, really helpful !!
    Maybe you vcan help me to solve an other problem I have with this line.
    Right now, it is displayed like that : Publié le Mercredi, 16 Avril 2008 02:18 Écrit par Super User
    But i would like to remove :
    1 > Publié le Mercredi,
    2 > 02:18
    3 > Écrit par
    and add a bar separator (|) between the date and the author.
    Have a good day,

    Dear actu9,

    You can try as following
    Open the language file languageyour_actived_languageyour_actived_language.com_content.ini
    Look for this line
    Change it to
    Then look for this
    COM_CONTENT_WRITTEN_BY=”Écrit par %s”
    Change it to

    Finally,open the file of

    Look for this
    DATE_FORMAT_LC2=”l, d F Y H:i”
    Change to
    DATE_FORMAT_LC2=” d F Y ”

    I hope these would help !

    actu9 Friend

    <em>@dathq 220299 wrote:</em><blockquote> I hope these would help !</blockquote>

    Yes dathq, it helped a lot. Thank you ! 😉
    There is still 2 things that disturb me:

    1) When the date is for instance the 9th of February, the date displayed is 09, but I prefer to have 9 (without the 0 at the beginning). Is that possible ?

    2) Regarding my former post, is it possible to add a bar separator (something like that: |) between the date and the author ?

    Thanks for your great help & have a good day,


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    hi actu9 nice to meet you,

    1. yes its possible, open templatesja_teline_ivhtmlcom_contentarticledefault.php
    replace all :


    open languageen-GBen-GB.ini
    insert this line:

    DATE_FORMAT_LC22="l, j F Y H:i"

    2. in default.php add “|” above

    <?php if ($params->get('show_author') && !empty($this->item->author)) : ?>

    like this:

    <?php if ($params->get('show_author') && !empty($this->item->author)) : ?>

    actu9 Friend

    Hi hungnd, nice to meet you too 😉
    Thanks for your tips ! The 1st one unfortunately doesn’t work (the 0 remains at the beginning when days are from 1 to 9).
    The second works as you said 🙂 but as you could see in the attachment there is a big space before the | (despite the fact that, when I copy the text in Word, there is one space befaore and one space after |…

    1. Image-15
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    hi actu9,
    1. i’ve tested, it should work, pm me you site link & ftp acc, I will check
    2. dont use word to edit code, in this case you can add ” ” after the “|” to align.

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