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  • fiumeciane Friend

    I would like to eliminate the possibility of login. Basically I want everyone to enter comments, however, because it will be published only after my approval. Is it possible?

    1. login
    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@fiumeciane 257521 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would like to eliminate the possibility of login. Basically I want everyone to enter comments, however, because it will be published only after my approval. Is it possible?


    Hello fiumeciane,

    As your screenshot, everyone can post comment on your site as long as they input their name and e-mail. No need to log in.

    Best regards.

    fiumeciane Friend

    Right, and that’s why I want to remove that phrase. If someone clicks on the link “Login”, the credentials are required (not necessary).

    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@fiumeciane 257695 wrote:</em><blockquote>Right, and that’s why I want to remove that phrase. If someone clicks on the link “Login”, the credentials are required (not necessary).</blockquote>

    Hello fiumeciane,

    Please make some following changes.

    After (about line 79):
    <?php if (!$currentUserInfo->guest) {?>
    Delete block:
    <li class=”clearfix”>
    <div id=”jac-text-user”>
    <?php echo JText::_(‘POSTING_AS’).” “.$currentUserInfo->username;?>(<a href=”<?php echo JURI::base().’index.php?option=com_jacomment&view=users&task=logout_rpx’;?>”><?php echo JText::_(“LOGOUT”);?></a>)

    After (about line 86):
    <li class=”clearfix”>
    Delete block:
    <label class=”description” id=”title1″><?php echo JText::_(“COMMENT_AS_A_GUEST_OR”);?> <strong><a href=”javascript:open_login(‘<?php echo JText::_(“LOGIN_NOW”);?>’, ‘<?php echo $ipBrowser; ?>’);”><?php echo JText::_(“LOGIN”);?></a></strong></label>

    Best regards.

    fiumeciane Friend

    Hi Nat,

    I did the changes you suggested to the file components/com_jacomment/themes/default/html/comments/addnew.php (you forgot to specify it) and as you can see nothing happened. :((

    Blaine Friend

    Hi fiumecaine,
    Have you been sure to clear your local machines cache?

    fiumeciane Friend

    Yes, I cleared local machine cache, Joomla cache and T3 cache.

    You still see the phrase that I want to cancel?

    Blaine Friend

    Hi fiumecaine,
    I am unaware of any phrase. Where is the phrase? The screen shot??
    If it is on the web site I would greatly appreciate a link and that way I could better Investigate how to direct you to a solution that will work for you.
    Thanks and awaiting your response.

    fiumeciane Friend

    Ok, return to starting point: I would remove this phrase

    Translated into Italian from here:

    I want to add something because I believe that you deserve: your products (Joomlart) are fantastic, your service is of high standard. Since I discovered the products Joomlart use them forever. Well done, I will remain one of your loyal customers.

    Thanks from Italy

    1. comment-box
    2. translate
    Blaine Friend

    Ok fiumeciane,
    Here is what I will do if you can allow me the time.
    I would like to install a test site on my local machine and see if I can get the code you need to remove to get rid of those items from appearing.
    I will get right on top of this tonight hopefully and have an answer for you by tomorrow.
    Are you also familiar with Firebug? It is a wonderful tool that can help you to locate where the code is coming from. The link to read about it and download it can be found here:
    Thanks for your patience and remember, if you find me helpful, please click the “THANKS” button for me.

    Phill Moderator

    So you still want the boxes below but just want to remove that line of text?

    Let’s look at how to do this. We know where the code is translated in the language file but where is it generated in the code? I used the great wingrep tool (http://www.wingrep.com/) to search through the ja comment component folder for the string “COMMENT_AS_A_GUEST_OR” and within a few seconds the string was found in the componentscom_jacommentthemesdefaulthtmlcommentsaddnew.php file at line 87

    <label class="description" id="title1"><?php echo JText::_("COMMENT_AS_A_GUEST_OR");?> <strong><a href="javascript:open_login('<?php echo JText::_("LOGIN_NOW");?>', '<?php echo $ipBrowser; ?>');"><?php echo JText::_("LOGIN");?></a></strong></label>

    So I simply removed that line and voila, the string is gone.

    That was also described by Nhat above but I think he forgot to say what file it was in.

    fiumeciane Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 258838 wrote:</em><blockquote>So you still want the boxes below but just want to remove that line of text?

    Let’s look at how to do this. We know where the code is translated in the language file but where is it generated in the code? I used the great wingrep tool (http://www.wingrep.com/) to search through the ja comment component folder for the string “COMMENT_AS_A_GUEST_OR” and within a few seconds the string was found in the componentscom_jacommentthemesdefaulthtmlcommentsaddnew.php file at line 87

    <label class="description" id="title1"><?php echo JText::_("COMMENT_AS_A_GUEST_OR");?> <strong><a href="javascript:open_login('<?php echo JText::_("LOGIN_NOW");?>', '<?php echo $ipBrowser; ?>');"><?php echo JText::_("LOGIN");?></a></strong></label>

    So I simply removed that line and voila, the string is gone.

    That was also described by Nhat above but I think he forgot to say what file it was in.</blockquote>

    Hi Phill,

    Thanks for your advice. For searching files for text strings I use dview, and has been with this tool that I found the file addnew.php.

    The line you ask me to remove is the same Nath wrote to me. But it does not work. My file addnew.php no longer has that line, and not even these

    <li class="clearfix">
    <div id="jac-text-user">
    <?php echo JText::_('POSTING_AS')." ".$currentUserInfo->username;?>(<a href="<?php echo JURI::base().'index.php?option=com_jacomment&view=users&task=logout_rpx';?>"><?php echo JText::_("LOGOUT");?></a>)

    I gave Nhat FTP credentials, and can control himself. It ‘a mystery to me, It does not work :((

    Blaine Friend

    Hi fiumecaine,
    Would you still like for me to set up a test site and see what I can do then?
    Please advise.

    fiumeciane Friend

    I understand that you want to create a test site in your local machine to do a test, correct? Fine by me.

    Now has become a personal issue for me 🙂

    Blaine Friend

    Ok fiumecaine,
    I want to do exactly what you did to recreate the situation as closely as possible.
    Please tell me what template you used, the version of Joomla you started with, the version of Joomla being used now and the method you used to put on your site (cPanel, FTP, etc.).
    I want to know if you started with a clean install or overwrote the existing files. Was it a full install package or the template and then the components and modules added in.
    Also please advise the PHP version you are using as well.
    If you have any additional components/modules installed please let me know those also.
    If you wish to PM me the details, that is fine.
    Thanks! We will get this figured out and over come it together. I am here for you!

    Are you using the plug in by chance? I may know of a problem if so.

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fiumeciane 13 years, 5 months ago.

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