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  • itftaiwan Friend

    Hi, It is my first time writing here. I have seen this in the forums but in private replies. I have a few questions that I could not figure out so far.

    1. I do not want to show the intro image in the full article mode (image, author avatar, etc) I tried in article options, config, etc but could not make it. I upload a demo picture to test but still does not work

    2. for some reason the features intro style 3 is not showing the description

    Thanks a lot! awesome template BR, Daniel

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by  itftaiwan.
    Saguaros Moderator

    Greetings Daniel,

    Kindly check the inheritance of the settings to hide introtext, in Joomla, it will take the settings from menu item in priority so pls check that settings in menu item of that article page and change there.

    For the JA ACM Features Intro: Style-3, as I can see that it’s showing description already: http://prntscr.com/hwr0v9

    Did you get it solved?

    itftaiwan Friend

    Hi Saguarus, Thanks a lot for your reply.
    For the introtext I went to the menus > main menu > and chose the blog list as homepage. In the settings the author and intro image are HIDE but it is still showing the black shade withe broken link of the author’s image.
    Also tried to modify the general options of articles but still showing.

    And for style-3 i tried to open with other browsers and still cannot see the intro text in my end. also in mobile version does not appear. Weird lol…

    Any other ideas? Thank you

    Saguaros Moderator


    Could you share the URL and screenshot highlighting the introtext part which is still showing?

    Which browser you open but not see the description in style-3 module? Pls try to clear browser’s cache & cookies first as I open in different browsers but it works fine.


    itftaiwan Friend

    I see the same in all the articles. Please see the screenshot. The author picture and the shade for the intro picture are always there.

    Also see attached the screenshot for A ACM Features Intro: Style-3, still the text is not showing

    Thank you

    1. demo
    2. demo2
    Saguaros Moderator


    If you want to remove that info, pls open this file: root/templates/ja_smallbiz/html/com_content/article/default-blog.php

    and remove the snippet of code which renders avartar/info: http://prntscr.com/hxj8sw

    For the ACM Features Intro module, it seems that you open in small resolution screen, you can try adding this custom CSS:

    1. @media (min-width: 1200px) {
    2. .acm-features.style-3 .verticle-middle p {
    3. display: block !important;
    4. }
    5. }

    you can add into the file: root/templates/ja_smallbiz/css/custom.css (create this file if it doesn’t exist)


    itftaiwan Friend

    Thanks a lot for your help. The site is almost done.
    Now the Avatar is not showing anymore but still the title appears inside a black shadow. In this case see Aerial Yoga title. http://www.flashsports.com.tw/course/fitness/aerial-yoga

    I do not know how to edit in order to make this transparent (or white) as the background.

    Thank you

    Saguaros Moderator


    Do you mean that you want to change the background of the part with title ‘Aerial Yoga’?

    At this moment, that part is styled with this:

    1. .blog-item-page .top-content .info-content {
    2. background: linear-gradient(transparent, #000000);
    3. position: absolute;
    4. padding: 23px 46px;
    5. left: 0;
    6. bottom: 0;
    7. width: 100%;
    8. }

    You can customize the background as you wish.


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 6 years, 11 months ago.

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