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  • James Weston Friend

    Can anyone tell me the easiest way to get rid of the Feb 2014 in the grey box shown in the attached file?

    All my events are within a 14 day period so I can sort them in order by playing with the created dates. As the created dates are now but the events are in June I need to blank out the text in the grey box.

    Thanks Jim

    1. Screen-Shot-2014-02-21-at-3.07.13-PM
    chavan Friend

    Go to this File: templatesja_muzichtmlcom_contentcategoryevent.php

    Find and Remove this Code or comment it out

    <div class="items-row year<?php echo $dateclass;?>">
    <span><?php echo $itemcreated;?></span>

    James Weston Friend

    Thanks Chavan,

    That worked a treat.

    If you have any idea which file I can play around in to get the top banner I have put in the newsticker position to be centred and full size that would be great to know. I want to be able to fix it myself but need to know which file to be looking in to change the height width and padding etc.


    chavan Friend

    Go to templatesja_muzictplsblocksheader.php

    replace “span7” to “span12”

    <div id="newsticker-block" class="newsticker span7 pull-left <?php $this->_c('newsticker') ?>">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('newsticker') ?>" style="raw" />

    if this doesn’t work, I need your site Url and admin details. please post them in PM.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chavan 10 years, 10 months ago.

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