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  • GaryMoore Friend

    On the live demo page of the JA Uthaia template


    there is a thumbnail picture on the right that shows a right hand column in use, with solid color background. I can’t find anythign in the user guide that talks about enabling that design.

    Anyone know how?


    rotor Friend

    bump …. I would also like to know how to get both left and right columns on the light version – 1

    chrisbell Friend

    I’ve also been having a problem with this.

    I’ve checked the following:
    -the modules i want to use in the right position ARE published
    -position is set to right
    -module is set to public display
    -pages: set to varies

    This is my first time working with anything other than the default joomla templates so excuse my noobness 🙂

    yuccalab Friend

    I too would like to see this. I have been playing with the index file and noticed that the div referenced in the right column is not present in the css file. I added it (mirroring the utahia ii file) and noticed that it is a lot deeper than just that. It looks to be a large change in both the index file and the template.css file to make the right column work.
    Joomlart? any luck with doing this?


    jake63080 Friend

    I to was wondering how this would be done? I noticed it was asked for a few times in this templates section of the site but i dont see an actual answer to it yet..

    Hieu Nguyen Admin

    Hello, only JA Utahia II have three column layout. It’s imposible to find the way to display right column in JA Utahia

    jake63080 Friend

    ahh thats to bad.. I would need to rework the entire site again if i went with II… oh well.. Thanks for the reply and answer Nguyen

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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