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  • svalambhia Friend

    I want to fix top header and menu on my site. to do it, i fix header and for topnav, i also fix it and give margin-top equal to my header in order to stop overlapping with each other. now for topsl i gave margin equal to header + topnav in order to stop overlapping. then i give margin to main content equal to header +top nav +topsl…. it works fine on home page but when topsl is not present on subpages, in this case also it applies margin-top and it does not look good… can anyone tell me how to do it ? similar thing is done in http://themechurch.com/swift/ but there is no topsl present…. in this one…..

    svalambhia Friend

    Here are changes I had made template.css inside my theme folder

    1. Fixing the header at top by position : Fixed (full screen header)

    #ja-header { background:#ffffff;
    position: fixed; }

    2. Fixing top menu using

    #ja-mainnav {
    position: fixed;
    margin-top: 90px;}

    3. after doing those changes topsl goes behind header and overlaps so topsl is not visitble so adding margin to it equal to header height + menu height
    so adding margin

    #ja-container .main {
    margin-top: 135px;}

    but when topsl is not present… it will also stays 135 px below the main nav(top menu).

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Svalambhia,

    Please replace

    #ja-container .main {
    margin-top: 135px;}


    .no-display {
    margin-top: 136px;

    Hope this help

    svalambhia Friend

    Dear Hero,

    I had tried it … it does not work… you can check same on my live site url is same as my last post…

    HeR0 Friend


    Please try create a new element as separator_block under mainhead block with css rule as below

    margin-top: 105px;

    Check image http://prntscr.com/u7iua
    Then you need to remove all margin css rule other element which you did.
    Hope this helps and can work on all pages.


    svalambhia Friend

    Dear Hero,

    Some one posted almost same thing in another thread here and same thing is done in better way check this thread

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  svalambhia 11 years, 10 months ago.

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