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  • janyour Friend

    how to get a fixed width with a grey color on the right/left like this website :

    1. Clipboard01
    pavit Moderator


    To have what you need you will need to work with less files

    Purity III template defines some dimension layouts on site with the configuration from
    templates/purity_iii/less/variables.less file
    **// Extra small screen / phone** // Note: Deprecated @screen-xs and @screen-phone as of v3.0.1 @screen-xs: 480px; @screen-xs-min: @screen-xs; @screen-phone: @screen-xs-min; **// Small screen / tablet** // Note: Deprecated @screen-sm and @screen-tablet as of v3.0.1 @screen-sm: 768px; @screen-sm-min: @screen-sm; @screen-tablet: @screen-sm-min; **// Medium screen / desktop** // Note: Deprecated @screen-md and @screen-desktop as of v3.0.1 @screen-md: 992px; @screen-md-min: @screen-md; @screen-desktop: @screen-md-min; **// Large screen / wide desktop** // Note: Deprecated @screen-lg and @screen-lg-desktop as of v3.0.1 @screen-lg: 1200px; @screen-lg-min: @screen-lg; @screen-lg-desktop: @screen-lg-min; **// So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum** @screen-xs-max: (@screen-sm-min - 1); @screen-sm-max: (@screen-md-min - 1); @screen-md-max: (@screen-lg-min - 1);

    and you can easy to change the dimension layouts from that file.

    you can also include each block inside a <div class="container"> it requires anyway of some css knowledge.


    janyour Friend

    Thank you, width is OK,
    i need just to color the two sides with grey and keep the middle white 🙂

    pavit Moderator

    Try to add this to your custom.css file in this folder /templates/ja_purity_III/css/ if you do not have a custom.css file than create a new one.

    .t3-mainbody {
    .t3-wrapper {


    1. Screenshot-at-feb-06-22-05-31
    janyour Friend

    Awesome, thanks a lot !

    janyour Friend

    May i ask another question please ?
    How i can get such module borders ? some thing like little shadow, you see in the screenshot ?

    1. Clipboard01-1
    janyour Friend

    I have the template the new Jintranet, how i can use the same borders ?

    1. Clipboard02
    pavit Moderator


    Please open a new topic for this also add to it your website url and a temp super user account to backend so we can easily assist you .


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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