In that flaticon page: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/translation-and-localization_48632
Add it to collection (or any collection you want) and download fonticon of this collection, you then will get a ‘my-icons-collection.zip’ file.
Unzip this file and rename the folder ‘my-icons-collection’ to another name as you wish for example ‘flaticon2’
Note that inside this folder, there is a HTML file called: flaticon.html you can open this file in browser and you will see class name of each icon.
However, this icon belongs to a collection which is different from the one included in template so after you rename the folder, you copy ‘flaticons2’ folder to directory: root/templates/ja_healthcare/fonts/
- Then open the file: root/templates/ja_healthcare/etc/assets.xml
Load the font icon in the renamed folder:
Finally, you just add the class of icon into the Extra Fields option of article: http://prntscr.com/gyt7t9