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  • ush_gan Friend


    Just setup the JA_events template. I saw that K2 has been pre-loaded along with the template. Is there a way to pick up the categories from K2 instead of Joomla core categories?

    — Ganesh

    Tech-xml Friend

    I’m having the same problem.
    Even adding the image link does not solve

    ush_gan Friend

    Interesting. The K2 categories are not listed in the list. This would mean that we need to keep some of the articles on the Joomla Core also (sort of duplicate). Is my understanding correct?

    I found that in JA Teline III, all the blocks have been named. This helps to direct the content to any block. Is there a way we can do that for the content page (content bot in Teline III) in JA Events? Next version or is there a way to do that in the code?

    I found in another thread, someone had used JA_News2 module on content_top. I understand that we might end up in a mashup of templates :). But, it also shows the flexibility of these templates.

    — Ganesh

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear ush_gan,

    If you are talking about the Ja_contentslide module I am afraid that at the current version does not support k2 contents.

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