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  • Kloeckner Friend


    in my new site ihave disabled the search and used the module-position “search” to implement the modul “kupos”-slideshow.
    below you see a white space as marked in the screenshot.
    I have
    – changed the logo
    – set the logo-size to 200 px
    – set the height in “#ja-header .main” + “h1.logo” + “h1.logo a” to 200px
    i tried in the forums and in wiki to find out – but unfortunately not very successful.

    can you please help me to reduce the space to 0px
    hope you can help

    thanks in advance
    p.s. the site is http://www.ferien-in-fuessen.de

    1. screen01
    aman204 Friend

    Change this::

    #kupoGallery {extension.css (line 15)
    clear: both;
    display: block;
    margin-bottom: 10px;


    #kupoGallery {extension.css (line 15)
    clear: both;
    display: block;

    Css file reference:: components/com_kupo/extensions/module/kupo_slides_pro/css/extension.css

    Kloeckner Friend

    thank you very much aman. my problem is solved
    kind regards from bavaria in germany

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kloeckner 13 years, 10 months ago.

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