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  • cepedalc Friend

    Hello there,

    I have a Joomla 1.7 site under construction, I have install the Spanish language pack and my site is translated to Spanish now, but then I install JA comment today and it seems that I have no ways of telling the component to use a Spanish ini file, I read you ( Joomlart ) do not provide translation for this extension, but I have edited the site ini file to translate into Spanish and nothing. my site-and-administration tab both show English and Spanish as installed but only English is being used.

    How do I go about having the component use my Spanish version?

    Thanks to all.

    boutler1 Friend

    Hi, I also I have the same problem as I do in Spanish to translate someone has an answer

    boutler1 Friend

    <em>@boutler1 283792 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, I also I have the same problem as I do in Spanish to translate someone has an answer</blockquote>
    Encontre el problema para la traducciòn cuando se traduce no tiene que haber espacios entre las comillas ejemplo PLUGIN_SETTINGS=”Plugin settings” porque sino se activa automáticamente el idioma ingles espero haber ayudado a todos lo que hablan español

    Phill Moderator

    Can you post in English for those of us that do not speak Spanish?

    cepedalc Friend

    <em>@boutler1 283827 wrote:</em><blockquote>Encontre el problema para la traducciòn cuando se traduce no tiene que haber espacios entre las comillas ejemplo PLUGIN_SETTINGS=”Plugin settings” porque sino se activa automáticamente el idioma ingles espero haber ayudado a todos lo que hablan español</blockquote>
    This is for English translation of boutler1 post:
    I found the issue for the translation into “language”Spanish, there should be no spaces between the quotation marks (e.g, PLUGIN_SETTINGS=”Plugin settings”) Leaving spaces before or after the “” will cause the automatic activation of English, He hopes to have helped every one.
    I have not verified this myself but you guys with same issue play around with it and let us know the result.

    Phill Moderator

    Many thanks.

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