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  • stinkier Friend

    Hi – I installed Teline (http://www.doineedapassport.com) but dont understand how to get the demo contenet and look from the quickstart. What am i doing wrong? So far I installed the Teline template but am stuck.


    Hieu Nguyen Admin

    Please download ja-news and read Ja-Teline user guide to config your site modules.

    asagero Friend

    Since you do not have anything on your site, I suggest you install joomla from scratch using the file: ja_teline_quickstart.zip (it is in the JA Teline download page) – this sis a complete Joomla installation and it will install everything in the demo. What a beauty!!! Good luck.

    Let me know if you need help.

    stinkier Friend

    Thank you for your reply. I tried to FTP everything but it proved beyond me 😉 Had to have my provider reset my site.

    ErikThorsen Friend

    You really, really, really should READ the quickstart information. It is all very well described how to do this there. Naturally you can’t ftp the db, so that would mess things up for sure. Please do read the userguide and installation guide!

    stinkier Friend

    Erik – Thanks for your reply. I dont mean to sound dim but which guide are you reffering to? The Taline user guide doesnt offer any info on installation that I can see and I dont see anything in the taline quickstart. Did i miss something?

    Any clarification would be great.


    asagero Friend

    The installation is just as the same as installing Joomla from scratch. Upload the quickstart zip file to the public_html folder and then unzip it there. Create a database and then run the installation.

    stinkier Friend

    Thanks for the reply. To unzip in public_hmtl i need secure shall access? Can i unzip locally and ftp to the public_hmtl?

    asagero Friend

    You can upload the zip file through your cpanel. There is a utility called file manager that allows you to upload files. You should be able to unzip the zip file once it is uploaded. Let me know if I can help in any way.

    stinkier Friend

    THANKS! Don’t know how I missed it in cpanel.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  stinkier 17 years, 8 months ago.

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