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  • giuliano m Friend

    I would like to insert a new position under the title of the articles for adv


    1. Senza-nome-1
    Saguaros Moderator

    You can follow this tip how to load a module inside article or use a 3rd party Joomla plugin which has the same function.

    giuliano m Friend

    Thanks for the reply, but useful components are not available and loadposition I should put it in more than 2000 items

    the ideal was MultiAds but only for 2.5 i have 3.2 (http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/ads-a-affiliates/affiliate-systems/affiliate-advertising/4995)

    ES. MultiAds supports display of Google Ads,YPN, other advertising formats, and virtually any kind of html code,
    in each of the four main content areas of an article:

    1. Before Content (i.e. between an article’s Title and the rest of an article’s content).

    2. Top of the Content.

    3. Bottom of Content.

    4. After Content (i.e. below the display area of all article’s content).

    I was reading http://t3-framework.org/documentation/layout-system.html # define-block, but I do not know exactly the procedure and which file to edit.

    I hope for your help.

    Saguaros Moderator

    I will summarize the steps here:
    Go to this path: templatesja_magztpls: this folder will hold the layout and block files. As you can see by default, JA Magz has 2 layouts: default and no-sidebar, equivalent to 2 files: default.php and no-sidebar.php http://prntscr.com/323kki

    – Suppose that you’re using ‘default’ layout, you can open file default.php you will see that, there are numbers of blocks that the layout includes. You can add new blocks, or remove the blocks: http://prntscr.com/323m9l

    – Then if you want to create / add a new block, you go to folder: templatesja_magztplsblocks, simply clone one of existing blocks and rename as you wish and add this new block in layout file as mentioned in 2nd step.

    – Each block will have a number of module position assigned to, you can create new position and assign to block you want. The detail example can be found in above documentation: http://t3-framework.org/documentation/layout-system.html#add-block

    giuliano m Friend

    First of all thank you, but doing this kind of modification, it is reflected throughout the template. Right?

    I would like to add the module block only in articles. I think I should make a change here

    es: file defoult – line 229 – <header class=”article-header clearfix”>
    <h1 class=”article-title”>
    but I would not make mistakes
    thanks for your time

    Saguaros Moderator

    You’re right, if you want to add inside article detail page, you can edit this file: templatesja_magzhtmlcom_contentarticledefault.php

    giuliano m Friend

    Thx 🙂

    in your opinion what is the best way to add a module position in that file. Please let some advice

    I do not want to create problems to the template

    Saguaros Moderator

    It will depend on the position that MultiAds plugin above supports.
    1. Before Content (i.e. between an article’s Title and the rest of an article’s content).

    2. Top of the Content.

    3. Bottom of Content.

    4. After Content (i.e. below the display area of all article’s content).

    You can give it a try.

    giuliano m Friend

    Wait I’m confused … but thanks anyway, maybe I misunderstood (sorry for my english)

    MultiAds is not compatible with joomla 3 unfortunately, creates problems with the easy blog.

    I would like some advice on how to change the file


    for to add the block / module

    thx for all ^^

    Saguaros Moderator

    If you want to add block for Ads, it would be best to find a suitable plugin. For instance, with plugin above, it supports some positions like:

    – Before Content (i.e. between an article’s Title and the rest of an article’s content).
    – Top of the Content.
    – Bottom of Content.
    – After Content

    Then this plugin will have event which helps to add block into the respective part inside article, it looks like this:

    <?php if($this->item->event->afterDisplayTitle && stripos($this->item->event->afterDisplayTitle, 'count') !== false): ?>
    <dd class="comment-count clearfix">
    <!-- Comment count -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayTitle; ?>
    <!-- Comment count -->
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
    <?php if($tplparams->get('tpl_addthis_share', 1)) : ?>
    <a class="addthis_button_compact" addthis:url="<?php echo JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $this->item->readmore_link ?>" addthis:title="<?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title) ?>"> <?php echo JText::_('TPL_TEXT_SHARE') ?> <i class="icon-share"></i></a>
    <?php endif ?>
    <!-- AddThis Button END -->

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