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  • brenot Friend

    I moved the logo to the left side of top.header and I need to insert a new module position at right like the sample is showing.


    khoand Friend

    Add this code into <joomla urlLpluginssystemjat3jat3base-themesdefaultblocksheader.php file

    <?php if($this->countModules('newposition')) : ?>
    <div id="ja-newposition">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="newposition" />
    <?php endif; ?>


    <?php if($this->countModules('search')) : ?>
    <div id="ja-search">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="search" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    – Set module’s position is newposition

    brenot Friend

    Please help me if its possible , sendme the instructions and the code to insert in the css files, to make it positioned just like the image sample


    Look the image of the result. please help me to make this like the sample in the first message

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi, please try add this to template.css:

    position: absolute:
    right: 20px;
    top: 20px;

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