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  • davidsg3 Friend


    I can’t install virtuemart in Ja_bistro.

    Automatic install doesn’t work and manual installation doesn’t work too.

    How can I use this template for Vm?


    TomC Moderator

    Which version of JA_Bistro are you using – J1.5 or J1.6?

    I will tell you this – at this point in time, VirtueMart is not yet compatible with J1.6 o above.

    I encourage you to read the following with regard to the issue of the newest Joomla versions —> http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/the-smart-sensible-way-to-upgrade/#post-404510

    teachy Friend

    Can you answer this question for me, since I am trying to use VM on J1.5 and it does not show on the frontpage and all categorie links don’t work.



    TomC Moderator

    So, just so I understand correctly . . .

    – You are trying to install VirtueMart into your JA Bistro J1.5 template/site, correct?
    – It’s not working?

    Which VirtueMart version are you trying to install?

    teachy Friend

    Thank you for your quick reply. I have actually allready installed virtuemart and thats working, however I am trying to determine which template I want to use and my choice was ja_bistro… So I changed the template and Virtuemart does not show up….

    I am using VM 1.1.9 and J.1.5.24 The templates theme is the standard theme ,,,,,and the website jurl is http://tinyurl.com/74f5jyd The startpage should be a virtuemart page and also there is the VM categorie menu on the left side….



    TomC Moderator

    If you can share with me your site admin access info, I can take a look for you.

    (you can send the info via private message, if you like)

    kobenes Friend

    If you disable maincontent area to be shown on homepage menu item or on virtuemart’s menu item, then it won’t be shown. So please check your template manager > ja_bistro.

    If you can’t do it, as Tom said, please send your admin informations via PM and we can check it for you.

    teachy Friend

    I did not disable the maincontent. It is set to ‘show’


    teachy Friend

    It’s working!

    I tried the template on another webshop thta I am building at the moment and there the temoplate worked. So I deleteed menulinks, reuploaden Joomla files and deleted some other templates from the template folder….

    Ja_bistro is working with VM…. !!



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This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  teachy 13 years, 2 months ago.

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