test melih
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  • Paul Massell Friend

    is there a way to interpret the cached assets? Reason for this: A user reports an error like this:

    Object expected index.php line 2414 Access is denied. js26d36.js Line 216 Code: 0 Char: 52 URI: /t3-assets/js26d36.js

    Since many of the users cannot follow basic instructions just getting this information can be a chore so you work with what you get. When you can’t duplicate the error it would be nice to be able to understand at least which file the cache is referening.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello Mate!

    The t3-assets forlder is generated when uses ja template based on the t3 version 2 , this is where storing cache of js, css files if the template enabled the optimization function.

    Your reposting issue, its seem be related to the permission on the file, folder:

    1) May be your server configured and did not allow access some folder have created.
    2) Or the file and the t3 folder have wrong permission, you try to set permission 755 for folder and 644 or 755 for all css, js cache file

    => Then check this issue again, and Please provide me the administrator account , FTP account if the issue is not fixed
    Here is your ticket ID CFA-521-56032


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