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  • adrienne pitman Friend


    I’d like to know how one can link menu items to individual blocks on the same page.
    Tried to add an anchor to the block (#anchor_name) and then reference it from a menu item of the type "External URL" (where the value in the Link field is also #anchor_name), but to no avail.

    Moreover, upon specifying an anchor value in the the block, all contents in said block and also in the blocks below it become highlighted in blue (as if linked).
    This behaviour looks like a bug to me.

    1. Screenshot-2017-02-15-17.57.32
    2. Screenshot-2017-02-15-17.58.21
    3. Screenshot-2017-02-15-17.58.51
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Adrienne,

    It’s a good idea, you can raise a request in this topic so the team will discuss further to update


    adrienne pitman Friend

    Thank you for the feedback.

    From your post, I gather that a pure single page layout is not yet possible.

    Regarding your suggestion to post a request here, if the devs read my opening post, they’ll know what I mean. The end game is to offer functionality similar to the JA onePage template, whereby the menu items on the main menu link directly to individual blocks (with a slide-down effect). It’s a pretty standard format nowadays.

    Saguaros Moderator


    JA Builder supports the ‘Anchors’ option for each block so that you can add Anchor tags: http://prntscr.com/e9f2uw

    Then simply add this tag for your desired item: http://prntscr.com/e9f3g4, it will point to that anchor.

    Pls stay tuned and wait for the RC version.


    adrienne pitman Friend

    Did exactly that from the very beginning, but it doesn’t work.
    Moreover, when I add an anchor to the target block, the whole text in the block and the blocks below becomes underlined and changes colour (as explained in my opening post).

    This is what I did.

    1. Added link #about to menu item

    2. Added anchor #about to block

    3. After publishing, the result looks like this

    a) Nothing happens when About is clicked

    b) All text in the target block and the blocks below becomes underlined and changes colour

    According ti the Safari 10 Error Console, the following resource is not found:

    Not sure how much this resource could influence the behaviour I’ve described.

    Saguaros Moderator


    Try to add anchor name only ‘about’ instead of ‘#about’

    If it doesn’t work, send me the URL and Admin login info of your site so I will check for you.


    adrienne pitman Friend

    That seems to have solved the issue.
    However, either there’s no sliding-down effect or it happens too fast.
    Is the effect already implemented? If so, where can I configure its parameters?


    Saguaros Moderator


    There is no slide effect yet unfortunately. Pls stay tuned!

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 7 years, 11 months ago.

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