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  • kjlarski JATC

    Hi Joomlart-

    I’m really loving this template… great work.

    Could you please let me know if JA Wall can load articles with no images? Ideally, we’d like to simply load use a light-blue square as the backdrop when an image is not associated with a piece of content.

    Could you please let me know if this is possible.


    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes, it’s possible.

    You can try it your self with an article without image.

    If you have any problem, please let me know.


    arucardx Friend

    I will just point this out because I happen to notice it during development. For an article that has no image, JA Wall will add the css style no-image which causes the article to be set to display: none; when image view is enabled.

    kjlarski JATC

    Great. I’m experiencing what Arucardx is describing. I have it set to image view by default and nothing appears. Could you please tell me know how to still display the title of the article when in image view. Is this possible?

    Thanks again,

    kjlarski JATC

    Hi all-

    If my previous post isn’t possible. Could you please let me know how to get rid of the image caption and all of the text beneath the title. For example, on http://nonprofitist.org/, I’m looking to only show the title name for articles without images. For articles with images, just showing image and title (no read more, no intro text, etc.).

    Could you please help?


    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi kjlarski,

    I am sorry, I though you are using default state.
    As arucardx said above JA Wall have rule display none for no-image item when on ImageView mode.
    You have disabled that rule on both files
    – templates/ja_wall/themes/color_block/css/theme.css
    – templates/ja_wall/css/template.css

    Here the steps:
    1. Replace
    body.display-imageview .item-main,
    body.display-imageview .item-image p.img_caption {
    display: none;


    body.display-imageview .item-main,
    body.display-imageview .item-image p.img_caption,
    body.display-imageview .no-image .item-main .content {
    display: none;

    body.display-imageview .no-image .item-main,
    body.display-imageview .no-image .item-main .header {
    display: block;

    2. Replace
    body.display-imageview .item.no-image {
    display: none !important;

    body.display-imageview .item.no-image .item-inner {
    height: 0 !important;


    /* Items without IMG in Image View */
    body.display-imageview .item.no-image {
    /*display: none !important;*/

    body.display-imageview .item.no-image .item-inner {
    /*height: 0 !important;*/

    3. Replace
    body.display-imageview.masonry-relayout .item-main,
    body.display-imageview.masonry-relayout .item-image p.img_caption {
    display: none!important;


    body.display-imageview.masonry-relayout .item-main,
    body.display-imageview.masonry-relayout .item-image p.img_caption {
    display: none!important;

    body.display-imageview.masonry-relayout .no-image .item-main,
    body.display-imageview.masonry-relayout .no-image .item-main .header {
    display: block!important;

    That is all for template.css file and it will work with default theme.
    I see you are using color_block theme, so you have to modify templates/ja_wall/themes/color_block/css/theme.css file also.

    They will have some similar rule. You may delete those rule instead.

    For those code above, they will work with “.header” block. If you want to show the title only, you have add “display: block” for <h2> and display none for others.

    Hope it helps.


    kjlarski JATC

    Hi all-

    Wow – what a detailed response for customization. It’s so refreshing and wonderful to see this type of support. Many thanks for taking the time to explain and provide this level of detail. It’s very appreciated.

    Kind regards,

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kjlarski 12 years ago.

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