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  • abdenour Friend


    I have created a category with 14 articles inside and those articles appears on my home page. The problem is the homepage only display 5 articles but not all (14 artciles). How can I display more articles (more pages load) like ja wall demo homepage.

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Abdenour
    Please config number articles in menu home param and make sure number display = limit in global config


    abdenour Friend

    Hi Hero,

    Where can I find the global config on the backend to parameter the limit.

    Sorry I was wrong it was not the home page but a category that is displayed in the sidebar and when I click it I do not have my 14 items in this category that appear but only 5

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Abdenour
    Limit in Global config: Backend > Site > Global Configuration > Default List Limit
    Parameter the limit in menu : Backend > Menus > Your menu > edit menu category > Blog Layout Options parameter group

    Default List Limit = Leading Articles + Intro Articles + Links


    abdenour Friend


    Thanks, I do what you say and there is no changes. I haven’t my 14 articles. I have install your ja wall demo and I haven’t change anything on it. We are going to use this demo for my understanding.

    For example on your JA Wall demo how can I do to display only 1 or 5 articles on the “hi tech” categorie (categorie on the sidebar). Where I can do this modification ?


    arucardx Friend

    I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to ask. I looked at the JA Wall demo and clicking on Hi Tech doesn’t load only 5 articles. Neither is there only 5 Hi Tech articles on the homepage. The demo appears to be sorted by popularity and that adds to my confusion even further.

    Here’s what I understand so far from your previous post… you have 14 articles in category Hi Tech, however clicking on Hi Tech in the sidebar, only 5 article is loaded instead of 14 articles? The steps that hero provided should resolve your problem.

    But in your latest post, you’re asking how to display only 1 or 5 articles when clicking on Hi Tech in the sidebar? That only works when dealing with sub categories, for example your homepage. If intro articles is set to 5. Only 5 articles from each sub category will be displayed. But if it’s a single category, all the items would be displayed regardless but only 5 will load each time it says loading more posts.

    Do that answer your question?

    abdenour Friend

    Hi arucardx,

    You have understand correctly what I want to say. Sorry for my english, it is not very good.

    <blockquote>Here’s what I understand so far from your previous post… you have 14 articles in category Hi Tech, however clicking on Hi Tech in the sidebar, only 5 article is loaded instead of 14 articles? The steps that hero provided should resolve your problem.</blockquote>

    I think I can not set what Hero says because my Hi Tech category is not attached or present on the mainmenu. I have do exactly the same like JA Wall demo. I have create a module to display category and publish it on the sidebar position. So I can not go to the Backend > Menus > Your menu > edit menu category > Blog Layout Options parameter group and insert a number on Leading Articles or Intro Articles or Links. Where I must go to the backend to insert a number (14 for example to display my 14 articles on my Hi-Tech category)

    arucardx Friend

    After some testing, I think I managed to duplicate your problem of loading only 5 articles. When there is no value entered for all 3 fields “leading articles”, “intro articles” and “links”. The system defaults to a value of 5. Thus only 5 articles is loaded.

    From what you said, I believe you only have 5 articles loaded because your module is not specifying any of those fields value to Joomla. There doesn’t seems to have a backend option for this. And I don’t see what “Default List Limit” does… I can set it to 20 as the limit but in categories, I set 30 for “intro articles” and it loads 30 >_> The explanation from Joomla docs make no sense to me either.
    Default List Limit. The length of lists in the Control Panel for all Users. By default, this is set to 20.

    My suggestion for you is probably to have the module define the parameters, that way it’s easier to manage in the long run too. If you still want to attempt to insert a global number, you will need to modify Joomla’s core cause the default number of 5 articles is in there.

    abdenour Friend


    Can I send you a PM with access to my backend. I think it’s better for you and me.
    For information I have change the number on Leading Articles + Intro Articles + Links on all the menu and it’s always the same. For the module I can’t enter anything because i’t’s not possible.

    arucardx Friend

    You can send a pm and I can take a look for you. But I’m heading off to bed, so I’ll check it in about 7 hours.

    abdenour Friend

    I have send you a PM with my backend access. Thanks.

    arucardx Friend

    Hi abdenour, I have done some testing on your site and it seems that “Menu Item Type – List all Categories” is not supported properly by Ja Wall. It just load 9-10 articles regardless what I set for the intro article #. But if the Menu Item Type is set to Category Blog, you can see that all the articles in the category would be loaded. Atm for Joomla, Ja Wall currently supports only Category Blog & Featured Articles.

    The solution at this point in time is to manually create the menu items individually for each category. Or see if support can create a fix for you. The problem is with the “Menu Item Type – List all Categories”.

    abdenour Friend

    Hi arucardx,

    Thanks for your informations. I have resolved my problem with your help.
    So, I have 2 questions :

    1/ When I unpublish an article, I can see it again on my Hi-Tech category and the background of this unpublish article is blue. it’s not normal

    2/ Can I have on the JA Wall template a submenu with columns like JA Nex submenu for exemple.


    arucardx Friend

    1) From what I understand from this thread over at Joomla’s forum, it seems that behavior is correct because you’re login as administrator on the frontend. http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?p=2476860

    2) That submenu(that shows related articles?) , I’m not sure if it’s a T3 framework thing or plugin. But it looks like it’s achievable by a simple plugin. I’ll let support answer you on that though since I’m unfamiliar with JA Nex >_<

    abdenour Friend

    Thanks for all your help arucardx.

    The point 1 work correctly and for the second I’ll go make an new thread.

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