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  • tilovas Friend


    I am using T3v3 / J3.1.1. In “Template Manager” I can change width of some columns, but I need change width of “Component” column. Can I do this by using a custom.css file? Because there is no option to do that in “Template Manager” -> “Position & Responsive Configuration”. And I don’t want to do that by .php file, because I can lose my changes after update template. Thank You. 🙂

    This may help to better understand:

    1. img
    phong nam Friend


    In order to do that, pls put below codes into your custom.css file:

    @media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .span3 {
    width: 166px; /*Width is equal to span 2 width*/
    .span6 {
    width: 681px; /*Width is equal to span 7 width*/


    tilovas Friend


    Thanks Leo for your answer. But I can’t do that, because if I do, I will change the main “.span3” and “.span6″ parameters. I mean, I’m already using the .span6” in other place, so if I’ll change it’s change in everywhere. So I think I’ll use the “.php” file. In my case:
    I’ll creat the file “default-clone.php” in: /../templates/t3_blank/tpls
    And then change code:

    From: [PHP] // Layout configuration
    $layout_config = json_decode (‘{
    “two_sidebars”: {
    “default” : [ “span6 offset3” , “span3 offset-9” , “span3” ],
    “wide” : [],
    “xtablet” : [],
    “tablet” : [ “span12” , “span6 spanfirst” , “span6” ]

    To: [PHP] // Layout configuration
    $layout_config = json_decode (‘{
    “two_sidebars”: {
    “default” : [ “span7 offset2” , “span2 offset-9” , “span3” ],
    “wide” : [],
    “xtablet” : [],
    “tablet” : [ “span12” , “span6 spanfirst” , “span6” ]

    So in this case, I’am changing not only “.span” width, but and “.offset” parms. So my “bootstrap-responsive.php” file works good. It automatically changes the parameters like “margin”… etc. Unless I will hear more ideas. 🙂 But Thank You Leo for your answer. 🙂

    tilovas Friend

    <em>@tilovas 372526 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I’ll creat the file “default-clone.php” in: /../templates/t3_blank/tpls

    Ooops! My mistake, sorry guys. The file name is: “mainbody.php” and address: “/../templates/t3_blank/tpls/blocks” But now I’m not sure that it’s possible to clone exactly this file. :/ Need a little more time.

    tilovas Friend

    OK, I think that is not the best way, but it’s worked for me. So, if anyone interesting ..

    You need creat the file “default-clone.php” (file name of your choice) in: /../templates/t3_blank/tpls. You can do this by going to “BackEnd” of your site then “Template Manager” -> “Layout” and you need to click “Save as Copy”. Then open the file that you created in dir.: “/../templates/t3_blank/tpls” and change the code: From [PHP]<?php $this->loadBlock (‘mainbody’) ?>[/PHP] To [PHP]<?php $this->loadBlock (‘mainbody2’) ?>[/PHP] You just need change the file name “mainbody”, it’s not necessarily change it to “mainbody2” change it whatever you want. Then you need to go to dir.: “/../templates/t3_blank/tpls/blocks” and here you need make a clone of “mainbody.php” file and rename it. File name must be the same that you wrote in a code. Open the file and change the code as I mentioned before.
    Again, I think it’s not the best way.. but it’s worked for me and what important, I think you not gona lose your changes when you update your tamplate.

    If anyone have a better idea, please…

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