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  • An LeFevre Friend


    I have followed instructions according to “Extra fields for product page” on https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/uber-template/uber-template-extra-fields#product-extra-field

    This works great as a menu item when it is an overall listing of all the articles within a category (to appear as in the demo template.)

    However, I want a direct link to the page from the menu. How can I get the single article to appear as in the Product page without having to list all the other articles in the category?

    Please see attached on how it appears:

    Correct display: In order for this to be correct, I have to have all the other products listed on the page in order to view final product page like this. A user would have to go to main menu and select For Groups > Group Insurance. Then choose “Group Dental Insurance” from the list:

    Incorrect display: When I provide a direct link to the article, from the main menu, (For Groups > Group Insurance> Group Disability Insurance), this is what appears instead:

    Why are the two so different? I need both to be like the correct version.

    Please help.

    Thank you!

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    It’s very hard to get the problem of your mentioned above, you can give me the URL of your site and the screenshot of this bug. I will help you to check it further.


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