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  • Kruno Novosel Friend

    How to move left position on JA Raite on the left side?
    By default, left is above the right on the right side…
    I want to have 3 columns (left, content, right) how to get it?


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi there

    you can refer this link: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/change-into-left-column-content-right-column/

    The structure of ja raite is like ja sulfur template.

    Kruno Novosel Friend

    Hi, I moved left position on JA Raite on the left side as you suggested me.
    Now, I have a problem with content position.
    I would like to stretch content over the right position when I don’t have any enabled module on right position. But, content doeasn’t strech and right position is empty.
    What I’m doing wrong? Please, look this code below:

    <div id=”ja-container<?php echo $divid; ?>” class=”wrap”>
    <div class=”main clearfix”>
    <?php if ($ja_left) { ?>
    <!– columns left –>
    <div id=”ja-col1″>
    <div class=”inner”>
    <?php if ($hasSubnav) : ?>
    <div id=”ja-subnav” class=”moduletable_menu”>
    <h3><span>On this page</span></h3>
    <div class=”ja-boxct-wrap”><div class=”ja-box-ct”>
    <?php if ($jamenu) $jamenu->genMenu (1,1); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”left” style=”jamodule” />
    <!– //columns left –>
    <?php } ?>
    <!– CONTENT –>
    <div id=”ja-content”>
    <jdoc:include type=”message” />
    $spotlight = array (‘user1′,’user2′,’user5’);
    $sl = $tmpTools->calSpotlight ($spotlight,$tmpTools->isOP()?100:99.9);
    if ($sl) {

    <div id=”ja-topsl” class=”clearfix”>

    <?php if ( $this->countModules(‘user1’) ) { ?>

    <div class=”ja-box<?php echo $sl[‘user1’][‘class’]; ?>” style=”width: <?php echo $sl[‘user1’][‘width’]; ?>;”>

    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user1″ style=”xhtml” />


    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( $this->countModules(‘user2’) ) { ?>

    <div class=”ja-box<?php echo $sl[‘user2’][‘class’]; ?>” style=”width: <?php echo $sl[‘user2’][‘width’]; ?>;”>

    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user2″ style=”xhtml” />


    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( $this->countModules(‘user5’) ) { ?>

    <div class=”ja-box<?php echo $sl[‘user5’][‘class’]; ?>” style=”width: <?php echo $sl[‘user5’][‘width’]; ?>;”>

    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user5″ style=”xhtml” />


    <?php } ?>


    <?php } ?>

    <!– modules 6 & 7 –>

    $spotlight = array (‘user6′,’user7’);
    $sl = $tmpTools->calSpotlight ($spotlight,$tmpTools->isOP()?100:99.9);
    if ($sl) {

    <div id=”ja-topsl2″ class=”clearfix”>

    <?php if ( $this->countModules(‘user6’) ) { ?>

    <div class=”ja-box<?php echo $sl[‘user6’][‘class’]; ?>” style=”width: <?php echo $sl[‘user6’][‘width’]; ?>;”>

    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user6″ style=”xhtml” />


    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( $this->countModules(‘user7’) ) { ?>

    <div class=”ja-box<?php echo $sl[‘user7’][‘class’]; ?>” style=”width: <?php echo $sl[‘user7’][‘width’]; ?>;”>

    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user7″ style=”xhtml” />


    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>
    <!– END MODUULES 6 & 7 –>

    <div id=”ja-current-content” class=”clearfix”>

    <jdoc:include type=”component” />



    <!– //CONTENT –>
    <!– RIGHT COLUMN –>
    <?php if ( $ja_right || $hasSubnav ): ?>

    <div id=”ja-col”>

    <div class=”ja-innerpad clearfix”>

    <?php if ($hasSubnav) : ?>

    <div id=”ja-subnav” class=”moduletable”>

    <h3><span>On this page</span></h3>

    <?php if ($jamenu) $jamenu->genMenu (1,1); ?>


    <?php endif; ?>

    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”right” style=”jamodule” />



    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– //COLUMN –>

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi asker

    For the case, you should submit a ticket, send us your website, admin account, ftp account for checking.

    astral god Friend

    I’ll need these kind of opérations too…should i submit a ticket ?

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi astral god

    I want to check your change. We don’t have much time for an issue. if you have made a change, we will check your modification and adjust it to right

    Please go to http://support.joomlart.com to submit a ticket

    I hope you understand my explanation

    astral god Friend

    Problem solved by the support.

    Thank you. 😀

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  astral god 14 years, 11 months ago.

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